Reality Review: Animal Planet’s the Haunted

Animal Planet USED to be known for Animals… well not anymore! The channel is moving towards more reality style shows and The Haunted jumps onto the paranormal bandwagon with an animal twist. The show features two segments of thirty minutes each that focus on a location and its hauntings involving animals. The first episode premiered last week and new episodes air each Sunday at 10pm on the Animal Planet.

Just a quick rundown of some segments to give you an idea about the show. But basically its any paranormal show with two minutes including actual animals. Both segments on the latest one appeared in Pennsylvania with the first happening at the Black Horse in. The actual animals were two dogs who were freaked out for no reason. One simply barked into the air while the other dog went missing and was found behind two heavy and down several stairs in a basement. Since the dog was so small it couldn’t have moved the doors and gotten to the basement itself it was was obviously a ghost.

The family who now owned the restaurant wanted someone to figure out what was going on to make the dogs, and people, scared so they called in a paranormal team to investigate. Turns out they went all Ghost Adventures on us by bringing out the talking ghost machine. The ghost they believed to be in the basement was that of a mob leader who was shot and fell down the steps. The talking spirit machine said stairs and then “whacked”, which was not part of the database on the ovilus. The machine also shocked one of the investigators, making them “prove” that something paranormal was going on. And yes, it
s on the Animal Planet because it featured two minutes of dogs seeing ghosts.

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The second segment featured a family also in Pennsylvania but more so on the animals then the first. Here their nice friendly dog began to growl at nothing and out of nowhere. The husband also saw a shadow which the cat was started by, making them believe that it was a ghost. It turns out that the house was owned by a crazy doctor who worshiped cats... and was part of a cult. A crazy old lady told them she did seance in their bedroom so they also called out a team of investigators and they caught a cat crying on EVP.

A few days later someone currently in the same cult called the team and told them that the doctor did conduct some type of meetings there and they did worships cats. There was also a cat who died in a fire many years ago and it turns out the outline of the cat was burned onto one of the floors, just covered so the new family couldn’t see. The cult guy then blessed the house and the family, and their pets, haven’t seen any paranormal activity since.

So the show is your average ghost hunting show with a few minutes of animals getting spooked. It’s simple and too the point but does get interesting at times. I wouldn’t say its anywhere close to Ghost Adventures or Ghost Hunters, but still it’s something new but not fresh. I may check it out a few times or just DVR it but if you’ve seen it and liked it, give us your review in the comments below!

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