Real Way to Make Money Online

For years I have tried different ways to make money at home and online. There are a ton of blogs, etc. and articles telling you that you will make $5000 per day sitting at home. Now, this is simply not true – or at least not from my experience. However, I did find a way to make money online using some paid to click sites, no investment at all – and then using an online investment that gives a great return. You can manage all of this for around 1 hour per day. If you are smart you could wrap it all into a corporation and make even more money through tax shelters….but that is for another day.

Here is the system that I used, and it works for me – I am giving you this advice for free. There is nothing you have to give me – and nothing out of pocket to cost for you. Here is what you do.

Go to the following link (It is a clixsense site) sign up at clixsense to start on paid to click advertising. Basically the premise is that you pay nothing to get started and get paid $.01 per ad you click. You have to view the ads for 30 seconds to get paid. The site pays out starting at $10 and I have been paid a few times here. This is not a site where you will make a ton of money, but when used in compilation with the others I am listing here, you make more.

Go to and set up an account here as well. Again, it costs you absolutely nothing to get started and you can begin to do the same type of clicking as with clixsense up above. You will get paid $.01 per ad you click and you again have to view for 30 seconds. You open both clixsense and neobux at the same time to maximize your time. The thing about is that you can purchase referrals starting at $.75 for 3 referrals who then begin to earn money for you as well (about $.06 to $.08 per day). This again doesn’t seem like much, but begins to add up after a couple of months. I have been using neobux for over 2 months and now make around $4 per day with maybe 10 minutes of time invested on my end. You just have to check your referrals, click on a few ads and that is all. You purchase your referrals through ad revenue that you made from the site – see no investment.

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Then go to the following link and sign up for an account. This is a similiar site to those above. You are paid for $.01 per ad that you click. Sign up for two accounts with different names on here so you can maximize your revenue. This is the ad that will make good money for you. As you earn, wait until you have $4.14 saved into your account. At this point cash out – it will take 7 days to hit your AlertPay account – and then use the money to purchase 6 rented referrals. They will begin making money for you as well as your clicks. Again, it takes time, a few months to build up a balance, but right now I am renting about 400 referrals per month and making just under $16 per day using this system for alone! You can also get direct referrals as well. Again, as you see, there is absolutely no investment of your money into these systems.

My next recommendation is for you to go to and set up an account. There is a $50 minimum investment with an AlertPay account. Once you have built up $50 from your earnings from,, and you can invest in the Genius Funds program. They pay out very good investment and it only took me 3 months to get my original money back and then some.

This is not complicated, I have done this in a few months. There is no money down – just an investment of about 1 hour per day of your time to get started. The tough part is to not get discouraged as it takes time to get doing with the investment pennies to build in your accounts, but once they do and you can start to rent referrals, you begin to make good money from all of this. If you don’t believe me, give it a try, try it for 2 weeks and see what you think, try it for 2 days and see what you think. It really does work – and that is the truth. I hope to eventually make around $700 to $800 per month of passve income from this to make some extra cash. It should take about 1 year to do so, but then I will be happy. Each of these sites above pays no problem – give them a try.

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The most important link I can give you is as this is the newest site that has a great business plan and is legit. Get on board now as they take very good care of their members. Try it out and see! It only takes a couple minutes to sign up!
