Quick, Easy, and Nutritious Meal Ideas for Your Toddler: Main Dishes

When you’re trying to feed your toddler nutritious meals it can sometimes become a very tiresome task. Here are some great ideas for simple, nutritious main dishes that you can fix for your toddler in a flash.

Toddler Omelet. Just scramble some eggs with a little cheese, a little milk, and a green vegetable such as spinach or broccoli. This is simple and inexpensive to prepare and offers plenty of great protein and a serving of vegetables.

Macaroni and Cheese. Mix up your regular macaroni and cheese by choosing a lower-sodium, whole wheat variety and tossing in some peas and carrots. When vegetables are cheese covered they are loved by all ages! You can even add some tuna to this one and you won’t even need any side dishes.

Sandwiches. Toasted sandwiches, cut into small squares, make a great main course. Add some chopped spinach or cucumber slices to whole grain bread for some added nutrition. And skip the mayo. Toddlers rarely miss it.

Pasta. Toss whole grain pasta with a low-sugar tomato sauce. Add some shredded mozzarella cheese and stir in some cubes of zucchini. Yum!

Black Bean Scramble. Take some reduced-sodium canned black beans and shredded cheddar cheese and mix them together. Then add whatever other items you wish such as a dash of garlic powder, some chopped tomatoes, or even a little guacamole.

Crab Salad. Using imitation crab meat (which is really just fish), mix together crab, a little parmesan cheese, a green vegetable chopped very finely such as broccoli, and a small amount of mayonnaise.

Sweet Potato Cakes. Sweet potatoes are a favorite of many babies and toddlers. Smash baked sweet potatoes and spread into small “cakes” in a non-stick skillet, greased with a little butter. Brown on both sides for delicious little cakes, loaded with vitamin A!

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Salmon Patties. Combine canned (or pouched) salmon, a small amount of mayonnaise, bread crumbs, an egg, and some dill weed. You also might choose to add in a vegetable such as onions. Form into patties and brown in a non-stick skillet.

Light Pasta. Another great way to prepare pasta for your toddler is to skip the tomato sauce and make an olive oil sauce. Just mix olive oil, parmesan cheese, and a little garlic powder. Toss with pasta and broccoli florets. The monounsaturated fats in the olive oil are great for your baby.

Cottage cheese bowl. Cottage cheese is a great protein and can serve well as a main dish. Add in some fruit for sweetness if desired, or go the savory route by adding a little ham.

Chicken Casserole. Using canned white meat chicken, combine chicken, some carrots, peas, a little cheddar cheese, some fresh bread crumbs, and a dollop of mayonnaise. Mix together and bake until warm, then cut into small pieces for your toddler to enjoy.

Don’t fall victim to unhealthy convenience food when preparing dishes for your toddler. These quick and easy meals offer both healthy nutrition and great toddler taste.