QR Code Marketing Ideas for Healthcare Companies

QR, or quick response, codes are a great way to direct your patients or customers to a specific action. However, you need to put some thought into how you want to use QR codes in healthcare marketing. Slapping a QR code on a brochure or ad may not be the best strategy.

Here’s a simple formula to remember for QR code marketing:

  1. What do you want your customer to do
  2. How will you entice customers to scan your QR code
  3. Where should you put the QR code

Let’s take a look at each part of the QR code formula and see how it applies to healthcare marketing:

QR Code Formula Part 1: What Do You Want Your Customer To Do

Simply put, a QR code is a call to action, and it can point to anything on the web. To get the best results, point your QR code to something actionable, such as:

  • Your Facebook page so people can like it
  • Your Twitter account so your customer can follow you
  • An email newsletter sign-up form so your patients can subscribe
  • An event registration form so people can sign up for a lecture, screening or event

QR Code Formula Part 2: How Will You Entice Customers To Scan Your QR Code

Some people will scan your QR code without incentive, but in many cases, you should consider adding a perk to entice customers to scan. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • If your hospital has a gym, give a discount on gym services to anyone who scans your QR code.
  • If you’re a doctor’s office, offer a coupon for a free service, such as a screening or cosmetic procedure.
  • Any healthcare company could utilize a free giveaway, such as pens or post-it notes.
  • If you sell medical supplies, offer a coupon for your customer’s next purchase.
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Once you determine what you want to offer, create a webpage or Facebook app for your discount or promotion, and have your QR code point to it. Be sure to ask for important customer information, such as name and email address, on the webpage too.

QR Code Formula Part 3: Where Should You Put Your QR Code

Now it’s time to determine the best location for your QR code. It’s important that you print your QR code on places that make sense. For example, if you want people to sign up for a lecture, consider placing a QR code on the flyer you are using to promote the event. Be sure the QR code points to your event registration page to close the loop.

Here’s a short list of locations to consider for QR codes:

  1. Marketing collateral, such as flyers and brochures
  2. Print ads
  3. Signs and banners (as long as they are hung where people can access the QR code easily)
  4. Tent cards
  5. Business or appointment cards
  6. Webpages
  7. Direct mail pieces
  8. Email newsletters or blasts
  9. Giveaway items

Bonus QR Code Tip: If you’re promoting something across multiple marketing channels, consider creating a QR code for each channel. For example, if you are marketing back-to-school physicals, place a QR code on your flyer and a different QR code on your ad. Then, when the campaign is over, you can see which marketing channel received the most scans, which will help you with future campaigns.

Be Creative With QR Code Marketing

QR codes aren’t pretty, but they are functional and can be a great tool for your healthcare marketing tool box. Be sure to spend time evaluating what you want customers to do, how to entice them and where to place your QR codes to ensure a successful healthcare marketing campaign.

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