Public Speaking Panic Attacks: How to Avoid Them

Speaking in public isn’t for everyone. However, there may come a time in your life when you are faced with the dilemma of having to give a speech or presentation and you find that you’re faced with a panic attack at the very thought of it. How can you avoid a panic attack while you’re giving the speech or presentation if you are already having a panic attack at the very thought of it?


Put on your best smile and portray the confidence you see in other public speakers. Many actors and actresses suffer from stage fright yet go on to make blockbuster movies that bring in millions of dollars. Take a few minutes and do some research to find a few that you can relate to and then think about a movie you’ve seen with them in it. Did they look scared to death? You can do this. Start by visualizing your confidence in yourself.

Deep Breathing

When having a panic attack rapid breathing is often an early symptom. Focus on your breathing and count slowly to 6 as you breathe in and then hold the breath for 6 seconds and slowly let it out. Repeat this until the rapid breathing sensation subsides and you’ll soon find your panic attack gone.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your speech or presentation in front of a mirror, family, friends or even your child’s stuffed animal collection. Go a step further and place a specific person or stuffed animal in the very front and pretend that the character is someone you are terrified to speak in front of.

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Know Your Subject

The more familiar you are with your subject, the easier it will be to get your point across and deliver your speech or presentation. Do your research. Know your material and be comfortable with it.

Know Your Room

If possible, take stock of the room you’ll be delivering your speech or presentation in. Find some focal points to look at that will make it appear that you’re looking at your audience when you’re really not. Sometimes this trick alone will make all the difference.

Know Your Audience

You wouldn’t give the same speech or presentation to a group of 4 year old preschool students that you would give to the executive board. Know your audience and talk at their level.


If you constantly suffer from panic attacks have an evaluation with your doctor and ask your doctor about medications that you can take to help you. Most doctors will want to try other therapies first but medication can be very helpful in some cases.

Although having a panic attack while speaking in public can be very frightening, it doesn’t have to control you. Following one or all of these techniques can alleviate most serious symptoms and give you the confidence you need to make your speech or presentation. With time and practice you’ll soon be the one giving advice to colleges on how to avoid a panic attack when speaking in public or giving a presentation.

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