Psychic Cleansing – 7 Ways to Cleanse Your Aura for Physical and Spiritual Protection

What is Psychic Cleansing?

Psychic cleansing means cleansing the mental, spiritual, and emotional layers of your aura from all forms of depressing thoughts, impure intentions, dark emotions, negative energies, and other similar imbalances. In the same manner that you take a bath to cleanse your physical body of all kinds of contamination, psychic cleansing does the same to your aura. It takes away any negative energy from it, resulting to a feeling of inner peace.

The Top 5 Benefits of Psychic Cleansing

Don’t you feel refreshed and rejuvenated after you take a shower or bath? You feel better and relaxed, and you are in a much lighter mood. Psychic cleansing gives you the same feeling; the only difference is that psychic cleansing has effects that go beyond your physical body. The comfort you experience reaches you on a psychic level.

These are the top 5 benefits you gain from psychic cleansing. Psychic cleansing can give you with unlimited benefits, but what you will learn now are the 5 best things you can get from psychic cleansing.

1.Experience a balance between your physical and spiritual aspect.

Though your physical body is clean, it does not assure good health. You may be physically very neat, but your mind is messed up by over-thinking. Psychic cleansing protects you from these unseen impurities and dirt in the form of negative thinking and worrisome thoughts, thus balancing your physical and spiritual aspect.

2.Have the proper state of mind and body for any form of activity.

Psychic cleansing prepares you for any activity by clearing your mind. The activity spoken of here can range from simple decision-making to practicing a psychic technique.

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3.Heal and recover much more quickly.

When you wash a wound, you protect it from becoming more serious or infected. You are also making it heal more quickly. In the same manner, psychic cleansing aids in your healing – whether it is a physical, spiritual, or emotional healing. It refreshes and relaxes you, allowing you to sleep better and more restfully.

4.Let go of negativity which can drag down other areas of your life.

If you are in a bad emotional state for example, other areas of your life may be affected by this bad feeling. It can affect your career, your other relationships which are working well, or any other aspect of your life which are not connected to the reason of your emotional distress. Psychic cleansing prevents the spread of this negativity by eliminating it completely.

5.Live a more peaceful and joyful life.

Psychic cleansing helps you find your inner peace and joy. With this inner peace and joy emanating from you, you invite a more peaceful environment around you. You influence others too to reflect the same kind of good energy back to you.

7 Effective Steps for Psychic Cleansing

1. Do your psychic cleansing twice a day – one in the morning to prepare the self for the day, just like when you take a bath. Another one is done at night, just as when you take a warm bath or wash up to cleanse yourself for bedtime.

2.Begin your psychic cleansing by sitting down in a quiet spot and relaxing your body.

3.Visualize a ball of very bright light shining down on you from over your head.

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4. The rays of light extend down to you, going through the top of your head. The light is pleasantly warm, and you feel its warmth at wherever it passes through in your body. Each area it passes also becomes cleansed of any negativity.

5. The light travels down to the level of your forehead. As you feel the warmth, notice that the area it has passed through is glowing with pure clean light, cleansed of all negativity. The light travels down the level of your eyebrows, throat, heart, pelvis, legs, knees, and feet. You feel the warmth spread and see your self being completely cleansed.

6.As the light continues down to the ground, it carries all your negativity into the earth and away from you.

7.When you are totally cleansed, the ball of light goes down into the ground as well. You are now fully cleansed.

As you do your psychic cleansing regularly, you will feel the remarkable change it can do to your life. You will experience each of the benefits of psychic cleansing, as you have learned above. See each benefit manifesting in your life. Through psychic cleansing, you will experience the perfect balance between your physical and spiritual self, and live a better quality of life.