The Aura: Scientific Fact or Imagination?

The aura is defined as an electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. The aura means different things to different people. The aura is supposed to tell many things about the person it surrounds. It is an oval shape of colored energy that emanates to about three feet around the body. Some people say that they can see this effect and tell things about a person’s feelings and personality. The aura is said to have seven layers. Many cultures have had one theory or another about something similar to the aura throughout time.

There are many characteristics of a person’s aura. It can be large or small depending on the strength of the feelings in the person it surrounds. I think the most interesting characteristic about the aura is the color and color changes. The aura has been seen with almost every different color and these colors are said to explain many attributes of a person. The color can change due to our current feelings at the time it is viewed. Certain types of people also have certain colors that are stronger in their aura. There are different interpretations for each of these colors so I am not sure if we can truly know what they mean. I think the colors must be interpreted on an individual basis.

There are many people that claim to see the aura. Some people can see it from when they are born and it comes later in life for others. It is said that you can also learn to see the aura through certain exercises. You lose more of your ability to read an aura as you get older. Some people can help heal others by working with their aura. Many people believe in this and there are many spiritual healers that will work with your aura. It is said that serious health problems can be seen as blocked energy in the aura.

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In the early twentieth century there was a person who developed a process to photograph the human aura. Semyon Kirlian developed what is called Kirlian Photography. It involves taking a photo at very high voltage. When this photo is taken an aura of some sorts can be seen surrounding the image in the photo. Many different things can be photographed and will show this field of energy. Many people accept that this is proof of the aura.

So is this real? Does the aura truly exist? I think it does and I think that there is enough proof to validate the fact that there is an aura. I am not sure I believe in everything that is said about the aura. I think that it is a fact that there is definitely an electromagnetic field around the body but no one can prove that it is affected by feelings. Many people associate each color with different feelings. Some people say that they can also see things like objects floating in the aura. Many times these objects are supposed to have significance in the person’s life whose aura is being read. Honestly I can’t know if these things are true. The claims of these spiritual readers seem very far out but how come so many people claim to see the aura. How can it be explained that so many religions have mentioned some sort of an aura throughout time? How can people all around the world make up or imagine the same thing? I think the main reason people don’t believe in the aura is because they can’t see it themselves. But there are also ways in which you are said to be able to train your eyes to see the aura. Most of these ways are just simple visual exercises performed everyday. I don’t think people would claim that they could teach you to see the aura if they were making it up. I also don’t think that all these people are simply having hallucinations of the same visual.

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People rely too much on their scientific values. If you can’t prove it then it isn’t real. Many are just not open to new suggestions. Some people don’t see it in their religion so they don’t have the faith to believe it because it isn’t in their religious teachings. Look at everything else though. The beauty of the body wasn’t explained in the bible. We believe that it is true that all we are is in a simple strand of microscopic DNA. We have a lot faith in science but not enough faith in other people’s claims. Many people teach about the aura and claim to see the aura without making money off of their ability. The aura is not linked to too any certain religion and does not require any other beliefs to perceive it. It is just explained as something that is relating to all humans. You can take it as you want but I strongly suggest that you be open and objective with your beliefs. The way to form the strongest beliefs is when you are open to everything. When you have a certain belief on a subject you should be able to look at other beliefs on the same subject without the bias of your own belief. Then when you decide which is true this will only make your own beliefs stronger. Only the strongest and truest beliefs will stand in your heart when you are the one who decides what you believe.


Association of Noetic Field Therapy Practitioners
Human Energy Field and Aura

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Rob Tillet
The Human Aura

Shelly Johnson
Auras: The Human Energy Body – The Aura