Prunella Vulgaris: A Heal – All Herbal Plant

Prunella vulgaris (Self-Heal, Heal All, and All Heal 9) short perennial herbal plant used as an alternative medicine to treat ailments, and may provide a treatment for sexually transmitted infection herpes (“Herbal Herpes Cure” 4). The Self-Heal plant approximately half inch to one inch tall and not – divided into branches. The stem of the herbal plant has white hairs along its four angular ridges.”The opposite leaves are up to 2″ long and 3/4″ across.” Flowers of the Prunella vulgaris bloom mid to late summer and lasts about a month. “Each flower produces 4 tiny brown, angular, finely ridged seeds, which are enclosed in the persistent calyx.” Prunella vulgaris grows comfortable in partial or full sun and moist conditions. Leaves tend to drop and turn greenish yellow when some drought occurs. The plant flourishes preferable in soil with high organic content. One common variety of Self-Heal plant observed in lawns (Eurasian variety). Common habitat of the Self-Heal herbal plant grows in moist meadows, openings in forest, along river and lakes, woodland borders, pastures and abandoned fields. 1 Regionally perennial herbal plant found in Asia, Japan, Europe, and United States. The seeds of the plant are sowed in early spring in flat out doors or “…give a shot cold and moist conditioning treatment before sowing in a warm place.” 2 Purnella Vulgaris easy to grow, inexpensive and safe. 6

Over the centuries the Self-heal herbal plant offers a variety of benefits. In Witchcraft the Prunella vulgaris referred to as a Holy herb: Grown in Witches gardens as a disguise to drive away the devil. One group of Native American tribesmen extracted from the root of the Prunella vulgaris made tea to drink, before going hunting, supposedly sharpened the powers of observation. 2 Self-heal herb is an alternative medicine applicable internally and externally as an antibiotic, treatment for hard to heal wounds and diseases. 3 Also, Prunella vulgaris used to treat burns, bruises, sprains, cuts, mouthwash for sores and gum problems, liver disorders, and hemorrhoids. Herbalists prescribe Heal All to treat jaundice, hepatitis and liver ailments. “The herb has had some success in treating vertigo, hypertension, gout and conjunctivitis”. 9 “Prunella is thought to be effective in treating Grave’s disease, and has also been used as an immune system booster.” Pruenella vulgaris taste like mineral salt and mild bitter. The herb can be used in stews, salads, and soups. 12

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Available online Prunella vulgaris supplements encapsulated in 100% Gluten – free, vegetable Cellulose, and Certified Kosher capsules (almost the size of a dime). “Each capsule contains approximately 600 mgs.” According to Viable Herbal Solutions, recommended dosage: “Take one (1) or two (2) capsules, up to three (3) times each day with water at mealtime.” 9

Prunella vugaris is not recommended for those who have stomachache, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Also, the herb may interfere adversely when prescription blood thinners are prescribed. 9

Herpes is a sexual transmitted disease, predominantly caused by type 2 (HSV-2) Virus. “Nationwide at least 45 million people ages 12 and older or one out of five adolescents and adults, have had genital HSV infection.” Common signs of herpes appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. Genital sores can cause recurrent pain and suppress the immune system. Outbreaks of the signs almost always appear less frequently over time. Potentially genital herpes can be fatal to infected babies, especially if the transmitted infection is acquired during late pregnancy. Currently no modern medication or drug available to treat herpes, except antiviral medications can shorten and prevent outbreaks. 5

Dr. Song Lee from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada and colleagues, extracted a compound from the Prunella vulgaris plant. The compound (lignin-carbohydrate) was added to a cream and tested on mice and guinea pigs infected with two types of herpes virus. Consequentially, death rate among infected mice was substantially reduced and significantly reduced skin lesions in guinea pigs. 4 The Self-heal herbal plant been called the “Herbal Herpes Cure”. 6 The Research by Dr. Lee and colleagues presented during the 103rd General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (2003).11 Dr. Lee said:”Given the high incidence of herpes infection and the emergence of acyclovir-resistant strains of herpes viruses, the Prunella lignin-carbohydrate complex may prove to be a useful new-anti-herpes drug.” 4 The affective compound in Prunella Vulgaris could treat or benefit oral and genital herpes infected people, however no clinical studies using the herbal plant has verified the hypothesis. 7 Also, described on the Web-site Horizon-Herbs, the flowers of the Prunella Vulgaris are dried and set aside for making tea. The herbal tea clears herpes sores, lesions, alleviates pain and kills the virus. 10

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The Self – Heal plant available for purchase in garden stories, nurseries, and other plant dealers and distributors. The herbal plant can be grown from seed. 13 Available online and in stores without a prescription (Not approved by the Food and Drug Administration) Prunella Vulgaris ointment for both herpes simplex virus types one and two. 8 Also, the FDA has not evaluated the efficacy or approved the herbal Self-heal plant for any treatment option. 9

Descriptive and visual video available of Prunella Vulgaris growing:;=en. 6


1.) Self-Heal Prunella vulgar elongata Mint Family (Lamiaceae) –

2.) Heal-All Prunella vulgaris –

3.) Prunella vulgaris –

4.) Herb Treatment for herpes –

5.) Genital Herpes – CDC Fact Sheet –

6.) Natural Herabl Herpes Treatment –

7.) Prunella Vulgaris by Ray Sahelian, M.D. –

8.) –

9.) Prunella –

10.) Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) seeds, organic –

11.) New herpes treatment from common herb –