Protect Your Dog from Ticks and Fleas with Advantix, Front Line and Biospot

So many diseases are carried by ticks and fleas it’s important to have a protection system for your pets.Our Chihuahuas are on Frontline most of the time. We’ve used this for years. We purchase it from but recently we decided to try Advantix. No particular reason just thought we’d save a few dollars. I’d already tried BioSPot for a time but only on our smaller Chi because he winters up North and we didn’t need a waterproof flea and tick control during the months he was up there. We already knew from previous comparison that offer the best prices.They also have minimal shipping no matter what your order is and are very reliable, they delivery almost immediately. K9 Advantix is manufactured by the Bayer Corp., a trusted and dedicated name in animal health care.

The ingredient Imidacloprid in Advantix combined with Permethrin eradicates 98% of the ticks and 90-100% of the fleas. Since the boys are our bedmates we are very careful about exposing them to fleas and ticks. We also have issues with deer tick . Most of the months that the guys are up North are winter months so it’s not that big an issue but it used to be when they were up North all year. We live in a very wooded area heavily populated by Deer. My Chi, Max, looks exactly like a deer only miniaturized. He has been outside when a herd was around and they were extremely curious about him. It was quite a sight watching them look him up and down. This is all very charming but deer carry the Lime Disease that is transmitted through Deer tick The deer ticks are so very tiny it’s almost impossible to spot them on yourself or your most animals.

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Some of the top products are Advantix, Advantage, Frontlie, BioSPot, Capstar and Program. There are also sprays and shampoos. The prices a vary from $37.99 to $14.99. Of course, you can comparison shop online or at your local pet shops.Frontline is guarenteed , if you’re not satisfied for any reason they will replace the product or refund your cost. This only applies to Frontline purchased through a veterinarian.

Back to the issue, Frontline offers 100% flea and tick protection but that little 2% didn’t bother me all that much. Our dogs are very short haired and the little one is actually hairless on his chest and belly so it would be easy to spot anything that tried to hitch hike home with him. Frontline is the only one of these products that eliminates fleas fast, is long lassting and kills all major disease carrying ticks.Frontline contains fiporil, it’s the only one of these products that contains this ingredient.It is also the only one of the products that does not cirulate through the bloodstream so it’s safer for your animal.SO when it comes down to the wire, for me , Frontline is the winner.

Frontline works through translocation. Once applied to your dog it’s stored in the natural oils beneath the dog’s coat. It’s released through the hair follicles.

Advantix comes in a 4 pack or 6 pack. It’s topical and very simple to apply. You snap off the top of the applicator and run it it between the dogs haunches (between the shoulder blades). It starts killing fleas within 3 to 5 minutes. Do not get it on your hands, if you do wash immediately. This is an important factor if your dog suffers from Flea Allergy Dermatitis. It’s also waterproof, an important factor since both dogs go to the beach. It repels water , i.e walking in the rain or during a bath.

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Advantix is for dog 7 wks or older. K9 Advantix protects against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes and you do not need a veterinarians prescription to purchase it. Each package supplies you with enough product to last four to six months. Since our dogs each weigh under ten pounds we divide out package so it lasts twice as long.

Advantix Kills 98%-100% of fleas within twelve hours which may be helpful in dogs with Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Flea and tick preventive also protects against deadly Lyme Disease and West Nile Disease which seems to be a problem lately. It’s water resistant so it stays on during baths or the rain.

These products now can prevent larvae development as well as preventing ticks and fleas. If you live in a heavily tick infesteda rea you could also consider dips or a collar and a topical.

Do not use two topicals together. You can use a topical and Heartguard together and you can use a collar and a topical together without a problem.

Most importantly use something, it’s a lot more expensive to undo damage than to prevent it.
