Frontline Plus Flea Control Versus Hartz Flea Collar

Recently, I moved out of the city to a more rural area. One of the first things I discovered when I moved was that I had some very irritating neighbors – wood ticks (ticks) and fleas! For those of you who don’t know, wood ticks are small arachnids, which along with other mites live off the blood of animals. Ticks are parasites and carriers of diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme’s disease. Fleas are also parasites which live off the blood of host animals. They are wingless, brow-black in color and usually attach themselves to the hair or feathers of their host. Fleas also transmit several diseases to humans and animals a like. Both fleas and ticks bite their hosts to get at the blood, leaving behind painful and potentially harmful lumps. If you are in an area where there is a chance you and your pet may encounter fleas and/or ticks it is best to take precautions to prevent either one from moving in – on you or your animal companion!

I thought I was adequately prepared to face the fleas and ticks which inhabited my new neighborhood when I out a Hartz flea collar on Fido. Boy was I wrong! I quickly learned that the Hartz flea collar was designed to be effective against fleas, but not necessarily tick. Also, my dog’s Hartz’s flea collar worked with adult fleas but did not kill the eggs and/or larvae the adults left behind. So, while the adult fleas were killed off, I was left battling their offspring days later. Further research also helped me learn, the Hartz flea collar was not effective if it got wet.

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Well, after pulling off 25 ticks and battling with fleas, I decided I needed a new strategy in the parasite wars, Fido and I were fighting. I went down to see my veterinarian and after describing the parasites we were dealing with, my vet suggested we try Frontline Plus. He showed me the research which indicated that Frontline Plus was effective against: ticks at all stages, chewing lice, and adult fleas. Frontline Plus also contains S-methoprene which kills flea eggs and larvae too! I found Frontline Plus easy ton use and I noticed all of Fido’s fleas were gone within 18 hours! Ticks lasted a little longer, but within two days, I was no longer pulling them off him. Another advantage is that Frontline Plus only has to be applied once a month so Fido is protected from blood-sucking parasites for up to 30 days.

Frontline Plus is available in a topical application or a spray. Since I only have one pooch, I chose to use the topical application. While it was not ass easy as putting on a flea collar, it was not difficult to snip the end of the tube and put a few drops between Fido’s shoulder blades.

As far as cost – yes, Frontline Plus is more expensive than Hartz flea collar. However, I learned I can order the product on-line and save some money. Plus, the protection Frontline Plus offers me and my dog is worth the extra cost. I would rather pay a little more for great protection than see my dog suffer from parasite transmitted disease and have huge vet bills!

If you are thinking about choosing a new form of flea and tick control, I suggest you visit your vet. Be sure to discuss the type of protection you are looking for and the lifestyle you and your pet have. (For example, there are some methods of flea and tick control which are geared to dogs that are in the water on a regular basis!) Also, the age and health of your dog may be a factor in the decision you make. Even if you live in the city, it is worth investing in a minimum of flea control – after all you never know where life may take you and your dog!