Products Made with Sucralose

It seems more and more people these days are staying away from food and drink products that contain high sugar content and are buying more and more food and drink products carrying an artificial sweetener in them called, “Sucralose.” Sucralose is used in many low fat and diet foods and drinks to make certain products sweeter tasting without the high calories and use of natural sugars. You can find these foods and drink products that contain sucralose throughout your local grocery store, but you have to know what brands contain the sucralose in order to buy certain sugar free foods and drinks with the same sweet tasting flavor to them, and that’s why I am writing this article because I know six products that contain sucralose and where to buy them.

The first product out there in local grocery stores that contains sucralose is a sweetner called, “Splenda.” Splenda looks, feels, and taste like sugar because it’s made from sugar, but isn’t. Splenda can be substituted for sugar when baking, making kool aid, ice teas, cooking, and can even be used for sweetening your coffees in the morning. Splenda doesn’t have any calories and is great to use as a sweetener if you are trying to lose weight and don’t want to use sugar. You can find Splenda at local grocery stores such as Wal-Mart, Shaws, Price Chopper, Market Basket, Hannafords, and many other grocery stores across the country. The price to buy Splenda is usually around five dollars per box or container. However Splenda carries other products containing sucralose such as Splenda Brown Sugar Blend, Splenda CafĂ© Sticks, and Splenda Sugar Substitutes, but these products cost a little more.

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The second product out on the market that contains sucralose is “Diet V8 Splash Juice.” The juice has not calories and is suppose to contain all your recommend daily dose of veggies and fruits without the high sugar contain, but with a sweet taste to it. The Diet V8 Splash Juices come in many different flavors as well such as a Berry Blend and a Tropical Blend. The Juice even comes in Diet Tomato Juice. The juice usually comes in a 2 quart bottle, in small plastic 8 oz bottles, or in small cans. The price of the Diet V8 juice is usually around four and five dollars, but it’s worth it because it taste great without the calories and fat. It’s perfect to drink if you’re on a diet or just trying to watch your sugar in take. You can find Diet V8 Splash Juice from any one of your local grocery stores, health food stores, and drug stores.

The third product being sold in stores that contains sucralose is “Diet 7 Up.” Diet 7 Up is made with sucralose because it is used as a sweetner to replace the sugar flavor that’s in Diet 7 Up so the bubbly soda beverage will taste the same as the original 7 Up soft drink, but without the high sugar and calories. It’s the perfect drink to drink if you’re on a diet and love drinking soda because of the bubbly fizz it has. You can buy Diet 7 Up at any grocery store, pharmacy, restaurant, and convenient store. The cost of a 2 litter bottle of Diet 7 Up is usually around two dollars and a regular 8 oz bottle usually cost a dollar fifty, but if you are a big Diet 7 Up drinker you might want to consider buying the cased cans because you can get a lot more Diet 7 Up for less than five dollars.

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The fourth product that contains sucralose is “Equal.” Equal is an artificial sweetener that looks and taste just like sugar, but it isn’t. You can use Equal to replace sugar to sweeten drinks such as coffee, tea, lemonades, and kool aids. You can even use Equal to sweeten jello, cereal, and sliced fresh fruits. Equal again contains no calories or fat and is perfectly safe to use if you are trying to watch your sugar in take or are on a diet but still like the sweet taste in your coffees and teas. Equal usually comes in individual mini packages or in a box. Equal usually cost around three to four dollars and can be bought at any local grocery store.

The fifth product that I know of that contains sucralose is “Sugar-Free Jell-o.” The sucralose is used in jell-o to replace sugar so the jell-o still taste sweet when you eat it. Most Sugar-Free Jell-o packets have zero calories and no sugar at all. Sugar-Free Jell-o is the perfect snack to have if you are trying to lose weight, but still want something yummy and light to snack on. Sugar-Free Jell-o can be found in many different flavors such as raspberry, strawberry banana, lime, lemon, orange, and watermelon, and are usually in a small square box with a picture of jell-o shapes on them. The cost to buy Sugar-Free Jell-o is usually around fifty cents and it to can be bought at any local grocery store.

The last and sixth product you can buy in stores that contains sucralose is “Clear ‘N’ Natural Sparkling Flavored Waters.” They contain high amounts of sucralose to help sweeten the beverage to replace the missing sugar amounts that are usually used to sweeten flavored sparkling waters. Clear ‘N’ Natural Sparkling Flavored Waters come in many flavors such as Peach Apricot, Raspberry, Tangerine, and Lemon-Lime. The drink comes in a one liter bottle and usually cost seventy cents or less. You can buy these beverages at a local grocery store or gas station. They are the perfect drink to have if you are again trying to watch your sugar in take or are on a diet because the beverage has no calories or sugar in it.

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Well there you have it six products that use sucralose an artificial sweetener that is used to replace sugar in many foods and drink products to make them sugar free or diet. Sulacrose taste just like sugar when used in baking, cooking, drinks, and foods, but it isn’t. So if your on a diet or need to watch your sugar in take again products that I have mentioned above that are sugar free and made with sulacrose are the perfect items to buy and use as an artificial sweetener.
