Product Review: Ziploc Sandwich XL Bags Vs. Ziploc Quart Size Bags

Imagine my surprise when the veggies I intended to marinate in a Sandwich XL size Ziploc bag didn’t fit in the Ziploc Quart size storage bag either. Imagine my further surprise when I realized that the bags were all but the same size. Strange, but true. As evidenced by the picture at the left (forgive the amateur photo), a picture is worth a thousand words, or in this case about 400 words. The bag on the left is the quart size.

When I shop, I buy several sizes of Ziploc bags: gallon, quart, sandwich, and snack. Seems like a brainless decision. Right? Oh, how wrong I was, and, if you are of the same mind as I am, how wrong you are, too.

As I write this, I think of the inside back cover of the Consumer Reports magazine entitled Selling it: Goofs, Glitches, Gotchas. I laugh when they show advertisements sent in by consumers with items with bigger packaging, but on closer scrutiny one finds that the quantity isn’t more, but less or the same.

When I saw Sandwich XL, I naturally thought bigger than sandwich size, smaller than quart size. I like to make sandwiches with homemade Italian or Rye bread. They seldom fit in standard sandwich bags. When I saw the quart storage size, I naturally thought, bigger than Sandwich XL size, small than a gallon storage size. Again, I say, how wrong I was.

Who would have thought that two boxes with two different names would be the same size. I didn’t. Okay, so they are not exactly the same size. The Ziploc Sandwich XL is a quarter inch bigger. That one surprised me, too. Sandwich…quart. The quart size has to be bigger, right? The sandwich size is bigger only because of the quart’s double zipper (see picture).

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The Ziploc Sandwich XL measures 7 inches by 8 inches. At one of the stores I shop at 30 bags cost $2.07, which means .08 a bag. The Ziploc Quart size measures 7 inches by 7-3/4 inches. The 25 count box goes for $1.48 a box. This comes to .05 a bag. I don’t do math well, but I know enough to know that it costs more to buy a Sandwich XL bag than it does for a Quart bag…and, they are virtually the same the same size! A quarter of an inch just doesn’t seem worth three cents per bag to me especially since you really can’t fit much more in it.

I decided to write this article when I first realized the difference, or lack thereof, in the sizes. Since then, I used up all 55 bags. Today, I went to the same store I bought those boxes to buy more so I could be sure which bag in my photo was the Ziploc Quart and which one was the Ziploc Sandwich XL. Why was I surprised to learn that they no longer carry the Ziploc Sandwich XL? I went to two other stores. I could not find the Ziploc Sandwich XL size. Did the stores react to a consumer’s complaint when it was realized the bags were all but the same size, or did the person who ordered the inventory notice the sizes? S. C. Johnson still shows both products on their website. Do they think consumers are that unobservant? I guess so. I certainly was. But, then, …never mind.

Don’t get me wrong. I was very happy to see the Ziploc Sandwich XL on the store shelf. However, I was very dismayed to find that what didn’t fit in a Ziploc Sandwich XL bag didn’t fit into a Ziploc Quart size either, which turns out to be a smaller bag. Silly me. I thought a Ziploc Quart size bag would be bigger than a Ziploc Sandwich XL bag.

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It seems to me, depending on the size sandwich you make, that there is little point in buying sandwich bags, XL or otherwise. If it doesn’t fit in a snack size bag, put it in a quart size.
