Product Review: WinASO Registry Optimizer

WinASO Registry Optimizer is the best registry cleaner and system tune up program I have found on the internet, no wonder so many others applaud this excellent program.

Ease of Use, Performance: 24/25, Look & Feel: 24/25,
Features 23/25, How much I enjoy 25/25

Total: 96/100

WinASO has come up with a winner in their Registry Optimizer program that does so much for speeding up your computer and optimizing not only your registry but other parts of your computer at the click of a button. The program is small and installs in a minute but it does so much and for someone who works on computers with installations and constant problems I really enjoy a program that does all this one can.

WinASO Registry Optimizer is one of several programs available from WinASO that performs routine cleaning and performance enhancements to your computer. The Registry Optimizer is a Windows specific program that runs on any computer from Windows 98 to the current Windows Vista.

There are a several main sections to the Registry Optimizer and each has its important role, the main one is the actual cleaner and scanner that searches for problems on your computers registry. The registry is a section of your computer that stores important information about your computer’s hardware and software that enables your computer to run correctly.

If the registry of your computer gets errors your computer will start to have problems or run slower, same thing for too many entries as well. Cleaning out this registry takes a few minutes a week and can mean a better faster and error free computer for you. The Clean Registry section of Registry Optimizer does a thorough cleaning and checks for errors in each of 22 different areas of your registry.

Each section or area of your registry may have different problems such as bad entries, ones that point to deleted programs or hardware or ones that have been entered by spyware or malware that you really want to delete. You can search each section separately or choose them all and run them all together for a complete cleaning. One nice feature is being able to select each section, especially when it comes to checking the separate drives for unused program shortcuts. If you have checked the drives previously and not added any new files or backups to a seperate drive that you use for backup there is really no need to complete a scan of these drives so having them unchecked when searching for problems is a nice option.

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I use the Clean Registry section of Registry Optimizer at least once a week and sometimes several times a day when installing and removing programs but especially when working with video cards and their drivers. The ATI video cards often have problems with leftover registry entries so cleaning them all out is a must and the WinASO Registry Optimizer does the trick with ensuring they are all taken care of.

The scanner will take a short time for a new computer to check all the entries but on more used computers with larger registries it can take up to about five to ten minutes. Mine has taken as long as fifteen minutes when there are a lot of problems and things to check or if I have not done a regular cleaning like I should be. I have found as many as five or six hundred errors or things the program wants to delete so there can be times when this program is a life saver for my computer.

The WinASO Registry Optimizer also comes with a backup function before you clean out the bad entries or fix errors so you can reinstall them if they are something you may need. If you are unsure if you need to remove or fix an entry you can always create a backup of all the problems it finds. Just save the backup and label it so you know what it is and if the entry was needed or you find your computer suddenly behaving unexpectedly after a cleaning you can always restore the entries you cleaned.

I have been using this program for some time with the free version that fixes only ten problems at a time and never found an entry I did not need or had to restore, I do not even back up any entries anymore. The program works so well it is one I recommend to everyone who asks about mandatory programs on their computer for any kind of software.

This program cleans out what others leaves behind and is the one maintenance program I have turned to when trying out and removing other software programs as well as hardware drivers. I have used this for years in cleaning out my programs and finally received it for reviewing and the complete version is so nice.

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The free version that you can download will clean out ten errors each time you perform a scan and then you have to rescan the section. What I was doing before receiving it for review was choosing each check marked section of the Clean Registry to find all the errors and then cleaning them ten at a time until they were completely cleared up. This took more time and to be able to completely clean the dozens or even hundreds of problems in one single click is so nice.

The program also comes with several other handy routines that I have added to my regular maintenance schedule such as the Privacy Eraser and Speed Up System tools. The Privacy Eraser is a set of files and program lists that will clean out any histories and activities to ensure no prying eyes will see where you have been on your internet forays or using your computer. This is not only for privacy but to keep this type of information from building up and slowing down your computer.

The Speed up System runs through a set of optimizations for your computers web surfing and Internet Explorer use, windows performance and general system tweaks to ensure your computer is performing at optimum speed and efficiency. These tweaks will make start up and shut down times better and allow for better computing by adjusting things so you will have a better running system.

You also get the Advanced Tools which is a set of built in Windows repair and enable adjustments all in one place for easy work on the already existing windows features. These tools are already a part of Windows but having them all in one spot for ease of use in your computer cleanup and maintenance routine makes for a handy cleanup. The Restore options allow you to restore any backed up cleaning for an easy way to restore the deleted or fixed registries that you have previously deleted and find you need to restore.

I have never used the restore function and found that Registry Optimizer does a fantastic job of cleaning out system problems as well as identifying the ones Windows needs and flagging them for future reference. The first time you use the Registry Clean it will find a lot of problems, errors or entries that the system knows it needs and will flag these for future ignoring when performing subsequent scans.

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These entries are merely ones that the system knows are there and may have some kind of problem or conflict with but the system and WinASO knows these are an important parts of Windows so have been told to bypass cleaning them. This is not a problem and once it has done this once it will ignore them in future scans for problems.

The scanner works exceptionally well and this is the one program I turn to again and again when I am doing routine cleaning or trying to solve problems. After installing a program I always run the cleaner to get rid of things the program doesn’t need any more after the installation. I run Registry Optimizer after deleting programs or removing hardware to get rid of unused entries and shortcuts to the old software. I always use it before installing new hardware to ensure a clean system when installing to have the least problems and errors during an installation.

WinASO’s Registry Optimizer is the single best program I have come across in all my years working with computers and Windows. You purchase the program for life when buying it, you will always be able to use it even if you lose your key, simply contact them and they will issue a new one. WinASO Registry Optimizer is the one I now turn to regularly for cleaning out unused and problem registry entries as well as performing faster startups and shutdowns of Windows.

I highly recommend WinASO’s Registry Optimizer for anyone who owns a Windows computer, for $30 you get a great optimizing and performance enhancing program.
