Product Review: Wally’s Ear Oil

I have been battling ear infections and upsets for awhile now due to chronic allergies and sinus infections. It is pretty seasonal so I know when to expect it. I have been using ear oils and found a great one called Wally’s!

I usually always used a mullein and garlic based ear oil for ear infections and ear aches so I usually have a bottle on hand. The last time I ran out I noticed they had Wally’s Ear Oil at my health food store so I bought it not thinking much of it. This oil is really incredible though and much better than the standard ear oil I usually get!

Wally’s ear oil contains not only mullein and garlic but also tea tree oil, Echinacea and eucalyptus. The mullein and garlic infused almond oil is the base for essential oils of eucalyptus, Echinacea and tea tree oil. The garlic, eucalyptus and mullein help soothe ear pain and the Echinacea is to help fight infection. Tea tree oil works as an antimicrobial and anti fungal.

This oil is really soothing to the ears and helps remedy ear pain quickly! It also helps relieve itching and inflammation. My regular ear oil didn’t do that! I really think this is the best herbal product I’ve tried in a long time.

This ear oil works great for adults and children as well as treating ear mites in cats and dogs! For around $7.99 for a 1oz bottle, it is a great value. I have had my bottle for at least a year and it is still half full.

It is recommended to replace your bottle every 2 years to make sure the potency of the oil stays strong and the oils don’t go rancid. That doesn’t automatically mean throw it away at the 2 year mark though. You can tell if your oil has turned by simply smelling it. It will smell off if it spoiled. You can pour any old oil in your compost pile.

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The suggested dose of the oil is 1-2 drops per ear as needed. Each batch of Wally’s ear oil is handmade fresh. It is available at health food stores, natural markets and through the internet.

Wally’s ear oil is highly recommended for using after ear candling and flushing of ear wax as well. It will help clean out any funk in your ears!

The only real downside to this oil is it is kind of stinky. I don’t really mind the odor much, but some may find it to be a bit too strong. It also can be greasy but that can be remedied by placing a cotton ball in your ear and laying down for awhile after administering.

I highly recommend everyone get a bottle of this oil to add to your herbal medicine chest. I have used it for myself and my children and it has been a soothing product for sore and irritated ears.

The packaging states to consult a Dr. if your symptoms persist for more than 2 days. I find that to be a little over zealous personally as on average it has taken me about 3-5 days to clear up ear infections using the oil.
