Product Review: Spring Valley B-Complex Sublingual Liquid

Product Review: Spring Valley B-Complex Sublingual Liquid

Manufacturer: Nature’s Bounty Inc., Bohemia, New York

Product Description: A dietary vitamin supplement helps boost energy and metabolism. It comes in liquid form that is dispensed orally with dropper under tongue, and held under the tongue for recommended time of thirty seconds to allow time to absorb into the blood stream.

Product Rating: Nine Point Five out of Ten Stars

Review: I stumbled upon this product on a whim. Don’t be fooled by higher priced infomercial products. While I’m sure the higher priced products sold by the late night infomercial companies’ produce the same results. I found Spring Valley B-Complex Sublingual Liquid in the vitamin isle at discount retailers and grocers like Wal-Mart, and Gerbes.

I have for a long time been fighting depression, which gave me lack of energy.
I had tried all the popular antidepressants over the years, most only helped temporarily.
Then I over heard a sales pitch for a similar B-Vitamin supplement. They listed symptoms like fatigue, crankiness, irritability, lack of motivation; all could be a sign of a B vitamin deficiency. Our lack of Vitamin B in our diets stem from poor diet, and how as we age our digestive track gets gummed up with fecal matter and undigested food. So our bodies as we age lack the ability to properly absorb what little vitamins is in our diet. A large number of elderly adults get B-Vitamin injections to boost their metabolism.

Shortly after taking the product the first time, I noticed a quick burst of energy after ingesting. I also immediately noticed the quick warmth and slight redness of the skin, caused by the flush from the massive twenty milligram dose of Niacin (as Niacinamide). It wasn’t an unpleasant effect (the skin flush), but it may alarm some users who are unaware of this slight side effect of Niacin. The Quick energy burst was due to the one point two milligrams of Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin), which provides twenty thousand percent of our recommended daily value of B-12.

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Several days, and weeks after taking the product three times daily with each meal, I noticed a my energy had been greatly increased. I wasn’t depressed as much or cranky for most of the day around dosages. I noticed more focus, and motivation to start, finish, and complete daily tasks, and even exercise more regularly.

My friends and family even noticed an elevation in my mood, and my increased energy at work. This definitely came as an answer to my prayers for relief of this lingering depression.

I found the product useful in its pocket sized two fluid ounce bottle, and easy to dispense squeeze dropper lid. I carry a bottle with me on eventful days were extra energy will be needed. Trips to the zoo, performing in concert, and even chore day at home become less stressful, and more productive and energetic with regular doses.

The only down side of the Spring Valley B-Complex Sublingual Liquid is it stains clothes easily if dripped on garments while handling the dropper during doses.
It’s colored deep orange red, and will easily stain any light colored clothing it may come in contact with.

Overall I would give Spring Valley B-Complex Sublingual Liquid nine point five out of ten stars.

It’s rare to find an item at your local store that will actually change your life. Spring Valley B-Complex Sublingual Liquid has changed mine for the better. I highly recommend this product to anyone suffering from lack of energy, and slight moodiness.