Product Review: Prell Shampoo

Prell Shampoo ranks right up there, in my opinion with other shampoos of today that cost three times more. For a long time, I was unable to find Prell Shampoo at any of my local stores. I have just begun to find it online and it seems like slowly but surely, it’s beginning to re emerge onto store shelves.

The crystal clean green color of Prell Shampoo reminded me of being in an expensive spa. When I washed my hair with Prell, I was immediately reminded of an expensive hair salon. How could a product that worked so well and smelled so good, not be expensive, I thought. After I thoroughly wet my hair, I poured the Prell Shampoo into my hand and then onto my hair. It lathered up like nobody’s business and was very easy to rinse out of my hair.

The smell was clean and fresh. I often was complimented on the scent of my hair. People would ask me what I washed my hair with to make it smell so go. After I told them that I washed my hair with Prell Shampoo, they always looked a little surprised. The great smell would permeate my hair and linger until the next time my hair was
ready to be washed. Prell Shampoo made my hair shiny and manageable. I can remember how silky it looked after washing with Prell Shampoo. The Prell Shampoo I used did not have a built in conditioner in it. It did it’s work on it’s own sans condition.

Prell Shampoo’s advertisers sure did their job. I still remember the television commercial that portrayed a bottle of Prell Shampoo and someone dropping a pearl into it. The pearl gracefully and slowly glided to the bottom of the bottle. What that meant, I don’t know. Perhaps it was to portray the richness of Prell Shampoo. I often wondered if the same effects could be recreated in another shampoo or would the pearl just rapidly sink to the bottom like lightening?

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My teenage years have come and gone. I have since tried hundreds of hair products, shampoos and conditioners. Since Prell Shampoo has be become available again, it also has a place among it’s higher priced counterparts on my bathroom shelf.

I can remember a friend of mine commenting on my use of Prell Shampoo. She commented that Prell Shampoo was very harsh to the hair. I asked her to explain her meaning of harshness. It always gives my hair softness, shine and body. I challenged her to a test. I asked to to try Prell Shampoo, just once. If she did not like how it treated her hair, I would buy her a bottle of shampoo that she chooses. She was hesitant at first, I don’t know why, but finally she gave it and did the Prell test. I don’t think she wanted to admit that she loved it. At first she thought that perhaps I put a different shampoo in the Prell bottle and claim it to be Prell Shampoo. I would never do that and she knew it. The whole point was to get her to try Prell Shampoo. Why would I want her to try an imposter? She was thrilled with the results and she now uses Prell Shampoo on a regular basis, just like me.

Prell is inexpensive at less than $3.00 per 13.5 ounce bottle. The packaging hasn’t changed much from thirty years ago either, and neither has the fresh scent that is one of the reasons that I love Prell Shampoo so much. Yes, I do use other shampoos as well. I will not say that Prell Shampoo is the only brand that I use. As with all products, I like to experiment and use a variety. But even though I don’t use Prell Shampoo everyday, when I do use it and see it on my shelf, it brings me back to my youth, which is always fun.

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I love Prell Shampoo and I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants a salon quality shampoo without paying a salon price.