Product Review: Popsicle Mighty Magic Minis

These are one of the most fabulous products for children that I have ever discovered. I absolutely love them. Their size and design make them absolutely perfect for my toddler son, who loves to snack on Popsicles. Some of the other brands of Popsicles were just way too big for him, and they ended up melting before he could finish. These melt slow and are long lasting, plus they are small so it doesn’t take him that long to eat them. They won’t fill him up or ruin his supper. Plus, they are affordable and easy to find.

Price: $2.68 for a box of 30 Mighty Magic Minis Ice Pops, which is absolutely wonderful. You can find them at Wal-mart, and you may be able to get them cheaper at dollar stores if you can find them. I haven’t been able to find them at the commissary, but I’m sure if they start selling them, they’ll be a little cheaper there. Anyone can afford Mighty Magic Minis. (Pick up a box of Creamsicles while you’re out shopping; they’re awesome, too!)

Design: These are very cool! There are five different shapes and colors, so they are very entertaining to children. I imagine for a toddler these are very fun. The colors are yellow, green, blue, red, and orange–easily identifiable, primary colors so your child doesn’t have to be a color palette expert to tell you which one he wants. They are very small, so they are not too filling and are perfect for small children. They also make great quick snacks for older kids. Your family will love Popsicle Mighty Magic Minis Ice Pops.

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Flavors: Lime, Watermelon, Fruit Punch, Strawberry-Kiwi, and Tropical Orange–great alternatives to the usual, boring cherry, grape, and orange! Popsicle Mighty Magic Minis have very fun flavors that all kids will love. Even adults will enjoy them; I know I do. These are some of the best-flavored ice pops on the market, but what do you expect from Popsicle brand?

Taste: These are absolutely delicious. They have a very natural taste, as they are sweetened with real fruit juice. The Popsicles taste just the way they each should for their flavor. My son loves them, and so do I. They taste just like any other type of ice pop, only with better flavors. They will make you say “Mmm!” and reach for another.

Drawback: Because they are so small, even toddlers can eat them quickly. It causes less of a mess, but you end up going through more than if you just bought a box of regular size pops. You’ll want to buy more than one box of Mighty Magic Minis! With how many my son eats, we go through one or two boxes a week at least. Then again, he absolutely loves Popsicles of all kinds. He could eat them all day!

Positives: Even the sticks are small (which means less waste!), perfect for little hands. They are designed to last a long time and melt very slow. They are bite size for older children, which is good for a quick snack. For a toddler, it’s a great alternative to those huge Popsicles. For an older child, it’s the equivalent of giving a small treat like a piece of candy–only much healthier! Instead of sucking on a piece of hard candy, have a Mighty Magic Mini instead!

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Health: These are made with real fruit juice. They also are a good source of vitamin C. Best of all, they are fat free! My son can eat as many as he likes without my having to worry about their impacting his health or weight. I know he is getting vitamins and real fruit juice, which you don’t find in every Popsicle.

They are the perfect size for toddlers and make great bite-size snack for older children (and adults)! The flavors are unique, and the taste is delicious. The price is definitely right, and the design is very fun for everyone. They’re not bad for your health, either! You definitely need a box of these in your freezer at all times. I give this product five stars! I love Popsicle Mighty Magic Minis!