Product Review – Nuby No-Spill Soft Spout Sippy Cup

Love the soft spout, hate the sticky mess.

When it was time to introduce Baby to a sippy cup, a first time Mom and a first time Big Momma were not taking any chances, (so we thought), only the best will do for our Baby.

We did our research. We did our comparison shopping. We did fail, however, to ask other Mom’s their opinions, after all, we thought we knew what was best for our Baby. I wish we had asked other Mom’s prior to making our selection. We would not have chosen Nuby.

We loved the soft, silicone drinking spout of the sippy cups, gentle for Baby’s gums.

The special cuts in the spout allow Baby to determine his own drinking speed with little effort, we loved this too. The slight sucking action would make learning to drink from a sippy cup easy, and later on, when it was time to wean Baby from the bottle, this style of spout should help in that process also. The Nuby promise on the package of ‘no spills, no danger’ made this particular brand of sippy cup a winner. The No-Spill Spout is even trade marked by Nuby. We brought it home and introduced it to Baby. He began to drink from it immediately, no problem there, the problem started about 2 weeks later. We noticed that the front of Baby’s shirt would be wet after drinking from the Nuby sippy cup, and wherever he threw the sippy cup down would be wet too. We originally thought it was our fault, maybe we did not tighten the lid good enough, or maybe the way it landed on the floor caused the cup to leak all the juice out onto the carpet.

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The sippy cup does not drip from the spout, their advertised promise holds true there, it begins to leak where the lid is screwed onto the cup. Not drip, leak. Big time.

Thinking that perhaps we had just picked a ‘bad’ sippy cup at the store, I purchased another one just like it to replace the first one. The second Nuby sippy cup did not even make it 2 weeks before it began to leak at the exact same location as the first one.

Only water and fruit juice was put into these cups, and they were hand washed, never placed in the dishwasher.

Nuby is made by Luv’n care, maybe some of their other products are great, but the Nuby No-Spill Soft Spout Sippy Cup With Handles certainly is not.