Product Review: Brianna’s True Blue Cheese Dressing

Briannas dressings are considered to be an upscale line of fine salad dressings with the best ingredients. I had tried Briannas Chipotle Cheddar dressing and was very impressed, so I chose to take our relationship to the next level; Homestyle True Blue Cheese dressing it is.

If you are a blue cheese salad dressing lover, you have the ability to appreciate chunks of Roquefort cheese blended in an herbed, mayonnaise-based dressing created by the Gods. Briannas, a brand which makes salad dressings that cost between $5 and $7 per bottle, created a Blue Cheese dressing only a mother could love. Really, I bet only Brianna’s mother likes this dressing. Briannas Homestyle Blue Cheese dressing breaks all of the official blue cheese dressing rules.

Rule #1 – Blue Cheese dressing shall actually contain blue cheese

Briannas Homestyle Blue Cheese Dressing looks tasty from the outside, but don’t be fooled. Just as fat free milk looks like milk while in the container, as soon as you pour yourself a tall glass; it is nothing but blue water. Briannas Blue Cheese dressing is exactly the same way. The dressing contains miniscule crumbs of blue cheese and has the consistency and taste of fat free, low-cal Ranch dressing, without the ranch part.

Rule #2 – Blue Cheese dressing shall not be as sweet as Catalina Dressing

I have never tasted a blue cheese dressing as sweet as Briannas. The intense sweetness coupled with lack of blue cheese made for a less than perfect salad experience. If Briannas had intended it to be low-fat, sweet dressing, they should have said so on the label.

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Rule #3 – Blue Cheese dressing should be thick and creamy

Briannas claims their blue cheese dressing is thick and creamy, but it seems to be the antithesis of thick and creamy. Runny, clear and sweet is more like it.

Rule #4 – Do not make claims about your dressing you cannot back up

Briannas claims to use the finest ingredients in their blue cheese dressing. What exactly does fine Xanthum Gum look like? Is buttermilk powder really better than actual buttermilk? And why, oh Briannas, are Canola oil, water and sugar your first main ingredients? That would explain the sweetness.

Briannas suggests serving up this tasty dressing over red onions. I don’t personally eat red onions raw and by themselves, but I highly doubt this over sweetened, overpriced, manufactured blue cheese dressing would help me choke that down.
