Priceless Movie Quotes from Forrest Gump

“Forrest Gump,” a movie that manages to be humorous one minute and tragic the next, chronicles the life of a mentally challenged man (played by Tom Hanks) as he lives through many of the defining events of the 20th century. His innocent observations are movie quotes that provide a timeless guide to life. The following are some of Forrest Gump’s best movie quotes:


Fat Man on Bench: It was a bullet wasn’t it?
Forrest: A bullet?
Fat Man on Bench: That jumped up and bit ya…
Forrest: Oh, yes sir, bit me directly in the buttocks…they [the army surgeons] said it was a million dollar wound, the army must keep that money ’cause I ain’t seen a nickel o’ that million dollars.

Forrest has just finished telling the story of his tour of duty in Vietnam, and the wound that finally took him out of the war. With this movie quote, Forrest comes to the realization that the army isn’t quite as generous as they appear. Go figure.


Now you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!

Forrest’s thoughts may come slower than those of other people, but he can compensate with physical speed. This movie quote inspires me to use what abilities I have as best I can and as often as possible. Run, Forrest, run!


Sometimes, I guess there’s just not enough rocks.

This movie quote is recited as Forrest watches Jenny desperately hurl rocks at the house where she was once abused as a child. Sometimes, it’s important to express your anger, especially when dealing with abuse. Let it out. Throw a rock. Just don’t kill somebody in the process.

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Stupid is as stupid does.

Forrest is constantly berated for his lack of intelligence, but he always comes back with this movie quote. Forrest didn’t let insults from angry people get him down, and you shouldn’t either. Just because someone says you’re stupid doesn’t make it so.


I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.

Forrest spends the entire movie trying to win Jenny Curran, the love of his life. When she tells him that he doesn’t know what love is, Forrest responds with the above movie quote. Intelligence is not an indication of the capacity to love. Some of those least gifted in the area of “smarts” are the most caring individuals. Don’t look down on anyone because of their disabilities, and don’t sell yourself short on your own loving nature. Sometimes the basic gift of love is the most important thing someone can offer.


I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floatin’ around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it’s both.

Forrest says this at the end of the movie, talking about his life to his eternal love, Jenny. Forrest was a person who lived out his destiny by pursuing what was most important to him in the entire world, love. Un-phased by chaotic events in his life, Forrest’s pursuit led him to fulfill his destiny. I think this movie quote leads us to question ourselves. What is our pursuit? Are we pursuing something that is truly important? Is this the destiny I want to fulfill?

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My Mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.

In the movie, Forrest deals with the grief of losing his mother by literally putting the past behind him, and running all the way across the United States. Everyone has a unique way of dealing with grief, but one needs to find a way to deal with that grief before you can move on with your life. And for some, it may just involve breaking in some running shoes.


Jenny: Do you ever dream, Forrest, about who you’re gonna be?
Forrest: Who I’m gonna be?
Jenny: Yeah.
Forrest: Aren’t-aren’t I going to be me?

Many individuals get so wrapped up in success that they lose sight of their own individuality. Forrest became famous and successful just by being himself. Sometimes, it’s better not to go with the flow. Follow this movie quote. Just be yourself.


Mama always said dying was a part of life.

Forrest had to deal with a lot of death in his life, but he took it as part of what it means to be human. Some people get so caught up in staying alive that they forget what it means to live. Forrest lived his life to the fullest and encouraged others to do the same.


Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

Probably the most famous quote from the movie, “Forrest Gump”, this movie quote says a lot about life. You can’t plan for everything. Most of life is unexpected. So take what you get. Sometimes you get coconut filling, sometimes you get raspberry crème. Make the best out of what you’re given, and you will live a full and happy life.

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Movie quotes from “Forrest Gump” have gotten me to think about my life and how I choose to live it. I think that is one of the reasons “Forrest Gump” is such a great movie; it causes one to reflect on one’s own life by brilliantly showing the life of an extraordinary human being.