Preparing for an Emergency Home Birth

Whether it is your first child or fourth, one of the things you always need to consider is the chance of an emergency home birth. Though these births are not common, it does happen more than some people realize. It is important to remember that no matter how much experience you have, preparation is the key for a successful emergency home birth. Here are some useful tips to help make sure you and your spouse are prepared for the possibility.

Prepare an Emergency Contact List

Though this maybe the simplest thing to complete, it is the most often overlooked. You will want to create a master list of important numbers. Make sure to include numbers for the family doctor, nearby hospital, home birth emergency helper, & baby sitter, if needed. Keep copies of this emergency contact list at home, in the car, and at work, in case you need to locate it at a moment’s notice.

Stock an Emergency Supply Kit

Another important step when preparing for an emergency home birth is to maintain a kit of supplies you may need. You will want to make sure you have clean towels, sheets, hand cloths, clean scissors, small bottle of rubbing alcohol, sterile rubber gloves, a small suction bulb, sanitary pads, newborn diapers, chemical cold pack, hot water bottle, hand sanitizer, pain pills like ibuprofen, and clean cord ties or white shoe laces. It is advisable to keep an emergency supply kit at home and in the car since you never know when an emergency home birth may start.

Small Details

As the delivery date gets closer, you want to make sure to pay attention to the small details. Make sure the car always has more than a half gallon of gas in it. If you use your cell phone as your primary means of communication, make sure the batteries are charged fully every morning. It is a good idea to keep a phone charger in your car in case you are unable to get to the hospital before it starts.

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Education Childbirth Class

While child birth classes can help build your confidence in your body’s ability to give birth. They can also help with removing any fears you may have about labor and birth after discussing with the instructor and other couples in the group. Aside from learning about the various pain relief options, you and your partner can learn about preparation for an emergency home birth. Remember, books provided a limited amount of information and are no substitution for an instructor and the experiences of others.

Decide Who Will Help

Though everyone may want to be in the room when this magical event is taking place, you will need to take some things into consideration. Younger children may become upset if they here the mother scream or lose control, even if it is only for a moment, so it is best to keep them occupied in another room. Since you are going to be spending all of your time with the mother, it will be useful to have another person there to help manage anything going on outside of the bedroom. You will want to make sure whoever you ask for help that they are comfortable with participating in the emergency home birth.

When Need to Push is Begins

When the child’s birth is imminent and the mother begins to feel the need to push, it is important not to move the mother. This is what you made your emergency contact list for and now is the time to use it. Make sure to call the doctor or hospital first to determine the best course of action. The biggest thing to remember at this stage is do not panic. Yes, some child births can be quick and happen in a few hours, but most do not so you will have some time for the cavalry to arrive. If you are going to be with the mother in the other room, make sure to leave the front door unlock so your help can come in.

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Comfort is Crucial

Remember this is no day at the spa for the mother to be. Childbirth labor can be a long and arduous feat so it is important to make sure she is as comfortable as possible. If she is able, help her with a small walk around the house or take a shower to help relieve some of the tension. You will need to portray a calm feeling to the mother to be even if you are nervous about the situation.

Plenty of Fluids

While the mother is in labor, it is important to keep her hydrated properly. Make sure she drinks plenty of water, tea, or a juice on a regular basis to help replace what she loses during the exhausting event. With the increased fluid intake, you will want to make sure she takes a bathroom break every hour to help relieve any extra pressure on her body.

Cleanliness is Important

There are no expectations that your home will be a clean sterile environment like a hospital. But there is no reason not to make every effort to keep the areas clean during a home birth emergency. Always wash your hands before you attend to the mother, even if you stepped away for a second to check on the children in the other room. If you are going to come in contact with blood, make sure to wear the gloves you packed in the emergency kit. No matter how cute or small they are, make sure to keep all pets out of the room before and after the childbirth.

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Preparation of the Bed

Unless you are looking to replace your mattress, it is important to remember to protect it. For starters you will want to have a separate old bed sheet to wrap around a shower curtain to act as the top layer to the bed. You will want to have another sheet beneath that to go along with a vinyl mattress protector, which will be able to cover the entire mattress. By using double layers, you will be sure to protect the mattress while making sure there will be easier cleanup after the emergency home birth. It is a good idea to keep several extra pillows, of different densities, nearby to make sure the mother is comfortable.