Poseidon: Greek Mythology

Mythology is filled with endless stories about warriors and gods, which tell tales of quarrels and battles that went on a long time ago. Greek Mythology is very interesting in that it is filled with tales of ironies and adultery, and many conflicts between the gods. But one god popped up in a lot of myths about adultery or murder or disputes with humans. His name was Poseidon. Poseidon stands tall as one of the most infamous gods in Greek mythology. He was a very bold god with quite a temper and he was often viewed as being violent. He was involved in many battles and was often known to hold a grudge.

Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea and of earthquakes. He was the protector of all waters, and could cause storms at sea. He was especially important because people used to think that the earth was carried on the sea. His main weapon was the trident, a three-pronged spear, which was believed to be able to split boulders and cause earthquakes. The trident was thought to have originally been a long handled fish spear. He obtained the trident as a gift from the one-eyed Cyclops when Zeus released it from the underworld. Poseidon also had the ability to change his shape; he used this skill often. He lived in a golden palace in the depths of the waters, where sea creatures danced at his passing.

Poseidon had many conflicts with human beings. Poseidon built the walls of Troy but, after he built them, Laomedon didn’t pay him for his work. So, Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the Troad. Many years later he helped the Greeks during the Trojan War and was believed to protect the Greek ships with surging waves surrounding them. Poseidon also had a grudge against the Greek hero Odysseus for blinding his son Polyphemus, a one-eyed monster.

Another conflict was with Clito and her sons. After Poseidon fell in love with Clito, he built a paradise island for her and her sons. On this island, they founded the kingdom of Atlantis. The brothers ruled the island in wisdom, but later rulers became greedy and corrupt. So, Poseidon sent a tidal wave to engulf Atlantis and its entire people.

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When Poseidon was born, Cronus, his father, immediately swallowed him. So, when Zeus was born, Rhea, Poseidon and Zeus’s mother, smuggled him away and gave Cronus a rock wrapped in cloth which he swallowed. Later, Rhea got Cronus to hire Zeus as a servant. One day, Zeus managed to mix a potion in his fathers’ drink. This made all of the children that he had swallowed, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia, come out along with the rock. Poseidon got his siblings to get revenge on the Titans, the elite group of god’s and goddess’s which Cronus and Rhea belonged to, causing the Titans to lose control.

Poseidon helped to kill Cronus with the help of his brothers. After Cronus was killed, Poseidon and his brothers drew lots to divide the universe. Hades got the underworld, Zeus got the heavens, and Poseidon received the sea. All three brothers ruled the earth but Zeus was in charge. Through his many love affairs, he usually produced strong, brutal men or monsters. He had Pelius and Neleus by Tyro, the daughter of Salmoneus, which made him the divine ancestor of the royal families of Thessaly and Messina. Poseidon also fathered Polyphemus (a Cyclops) by Thoosa, Chrysaor and Pegasus (a winged horse) by Medusa, Nauplius by Amymone, Sciron by Cercyon, and Aloeidae by Iphimedeia. Adding further to the products of his love affairs were Orion (a strong, brutal man), Anteus, and in some myths he was believed to be the father of the Greek hero Thesseus. Although Poseidon had many love affairs he was married to Amphitrite, a sea goddess who was the granddaughter of Oceanus. He was not kind to his wife but she bore him two daughters and one son, Triton. Triton was half man and half fish.

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Poseidon was brought up by the telchines, women who were half land creatures and half sea creatures with the power to cause rain and hail. When he grew up, he fell in love with one of the telchines, Halia, and had many children with her. Originally he wanted to marry Demeter (his sister), but instead married Amphitrite. Demeter challenged Poseidon to a contest by asking him to create the prettiest creature on earth since all of his other creations were hideous monsters. Poseidon ended up creating horses, but by the time he finished, he had no more desire for Demeter. He was not nice to his wife and ended up having many love affairs, producing several offspring. His children were mostly strong, brutal men, giants, or violent monsters. Poseidon is also believed to have caused earthquakes when he made love with his wife.

He was often seen in a chariot being pulled by sea horses, and being accompanied by dolphins. His attendants were the sea gods Phorcy’s, Proteus, and Nereus and sea nymphs called Nereid’s. Poseidon was portrayed as being a violent and powerful god who was involved in many battles. He was also seen as being extremely powerful, with a violent and vengeful disposition. An example of this is when Poseidon wanted to rule the land along with the sea. So, Poseidon fought with Zeus’s human daughter, Poseidon’s niece, Athene. The dispute was brought up in front of a counsel consisting of gods and goddess’s, who voted in favour of Athene. He was so enraged that he got waves to rise up and flood the city where Athene lived. Athene had to flee her home, so she went to live in Athens. As you can see, Poseidon wanted power. This was not possible because Zeus would not allow him to have it; this made Poseidon very angry. He also grew to have a paranoia that the gods were out to get him, and was heard to have said, “It has been proved time and time again that the gods are against me.”

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The name Poseidon means, “husband of the earth” and “lord of the earth.” Poseidon was associated with many things such as freshwater springs, bulls, horses, and dolphins. Sailors used to pray to him for safe voyage, and he was worshipped especially when it involved navigation. Poseidon was also worshipped as a fertility god, and the Mycenaeans worshipped him as their principle deity. He was also seen as being Hippios, the god of horses. Poseidon has the title of Aspalious “god of security,” which later came to be understood as “savior of ships.” The chief festival in his honour is the Isthmia, which is the scene of famous athletic contests. It is celebrated in alternate years near the Isthmus of Corinth. To the Romans Poseidon was known as Neptune. The Roman festival in his honour is the Neptunalia, which is celebrated on July 23. Arbors are dedicated to him during this festival.

People stopped believing in Poseidon’s powers when earthquakes were being explained by natural causes. Events such as when an earthquake and tidal wave destroyed the town of Helice where there was a notable shrine of Poseidon or temples in Zeus’s honour being struck by lightning decreased respect for the god. Although Poseidon is just a myth, he still remains as one of the greatest gods in Greek mythology.