Popeye’s Vs. KFC Vs. Chick Fil-A: The Fried Chicken Meal Challenge

One thing that I have learned about living in the south for so many years is that there is an abundance of fried chicken restaurants scattered about. Southerners love their fried chicken, the more varieties of it, the better. I am no different. Ever so often, I do crave a scrumptious fried chicken meal, usually consisting of chicken breast strips, some fries, and a cool order of cole slaw. In metro Atlanta (as there are in many southern states), there are tons of places where this is a standard combination meal.

Millions of healthier options exist; for instance-grilled instead of fried chicken, a green salad in lieu of cole slaw, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera… But if you’re going to eat badly, it wouldn’t hurt to examine just how badly you’re eating when it comes to fried chicken. I have three favorite fast food locations where I can cop such a combo meal: Popeye’s (for a little Louisiana flavor), KFC (for a little traditional flair), and Chick Fil-A (when I want to feel like I’m eating healthier). Once in a while I like to examine how I’m eating and compare the health benefits (or drawbacks) to the taste of my favorite meals. I considered my standard fare (strips, slaw and fries) and took a closer look at how these chicken joints really stacked up…

Popeye’s Chicken
Total Meal Calories: 945
Total Meal Fat Grams: 55
The Verdict:

Popeye’s is known in metro Atlanta for its spicy and mild varieties of Louisiana-inspired fried chicken. The three mild flavored chicken strips served in this deliciously greasy meal account for 375 total calories in and of themselves. These calories no doubt are packed in the extreme breading that typically accompanies these chicken strips. The chicken tastes wonderful. However, on occasion you may find that one of your chicken tenders is actually more breading than meat. Not good. As for the fries-they are battered and seasoned beyond belief. I am not a huge fan of the fries as they tend to get soggy and lifeless rather quickly. All that seasoned fry batter equals out to about 310 calories for a small order. Ironically, those “vegetables” you think you’re eating when you order a small cole slaw actually contain more grams of fat than the fries: 23 (as opposed to the 17 grams in the french fries.) I learned the hard way that this is perhaps because the cabbage and carrots of the slaw are literally swimming in mayonnaise. The verdict? Popeye’s is big on taste, acceptable on quality, but poor on nutrition.

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Chick Fil-A

Total Meal Calories: 840
Total Meal Fat Grams: 49
The Verdict:

Anyone who lives in metro Atlanta also knows how frustrating it is to crave a Chick Fil-A chicken sandwich on a light and breezy Sunday afternoon. This is because the popular chain is closed on Sundays-part of its family-oriented culture. Also part of that culture is the desire to maintain certain standards for health-minded adults. I suppose this is why Chick Fil-A’s smallest fried chicken strip order contains (4) strips instead of the typical three. However, these tender morsels only pack 310 calories. What I really love about Chick Fil-A’s chicken is the superb seasoning. You can literally smell it through the take-out bag. And the aroma is infectious. In fact, the seasoning far outweighs the amount of breading used in this wonderful creation-which probably accounts for the fewer calories.

Another terrific addition to the meal is the order of huge, warm, and chewy waffle fries. The flavor of these things is such a fantastic compliment to the chicken. What’s even better is that these fries have 60 fewer calories than Popeye’s—plus they taste better. As luck would have it, Chick Fil-A’s cole slaw runs pretty much neck and neck with Popeye’s; they both have the same number of calories, and almost the same number of fat grams. Come to think of it, the slaw tastes almost exactly the same-a little too watery for my taste. The ruling? Chick Fil-A is definitely the place you’ll want to go for really fresh tasting food.

See also  How to Make Deep Fried Chicken Wings

Fried Chicken (KFC)
Total Meal Calories: 790
Total Meal Fat Grams: 42
The Verdict:

I will be the first to admit my surprise at learning that Kentucky Fried Chicken is actually the best bet for this kind of meal. Though the chicken strips themselves (three) average about 350 calories, the taste is nothing less than KFC greatness. But because it is KFC, you can count on scooping up the most fat grams at 19. Don’t look for the word “fries” on KFC’s menu; fries are called “potato wedges. They are actually quite good. But they are prepared with a seasoning that I must have a taste for. I do like that they have been fried with the skin attached. I suppose that makes them seem more “restaurant-like.” At any rate, they have 10 calories fewer than Chick Fil-A’s version, which I did not anticipate. And finally, I have found a cole slaw that I actually do not have to eat like a soup. Kentucky Fried Chicken’s cole slaw is heavy on the veggies, and light on the goop. As a result, their slaw has 80 calories fewer than both Chick Fil-A and Popeye’s, and I will admit—does taste better too.

The Fried Chicken Challenge Winner? …

I was quite shocked to discover that the restaurant with the worst reputation for high fat and calories (KFC) was actually the one with the healthiest meal. Perhaps this is due to KFC’s elimination of trans fat in its frying oils in April of 2007. However, what I do know is that when you choose to eat “badly”, it sometimes helps to know that the massive quantities of calories you’re taking in will benefit you in the taste department.

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