Pineapple Furniture: A Modern Fad with Historic Roots

The pineapple has in recent years become a decorating fad, gracing furniture, art and everything else, but like most good fads, this décor originated in history.

During the colonial days, the pineapple was a sign of great hospitality, and was the symbol for welcome. In some areas, that traditional meaning carries over into modern times.

If a hostess had a pineapple for an event, it meant she was well to do financially, and that she clever for even coming across this unusual delicacy! Only the rich would be able to show or serve such a unusual commodity.

The fruits were very much sought after with their golden shell and unique leaves (think instant glamour decor), and also very much coveted, so much so that a fruit was often to be rented to one household for show for an event, and later in that same day, returned and sold to someone else (with more money) to enjoy as part of the feast!

If pineapple was to be served, it would have been considered a great honor for any guest showing that their hosts had held nothing back from them, and so it was naturally made a great show of. Much like something new and exciting would be showed off today. Awaiting guests would be kept in suspense until all the dishes were brought out (in a show of sorts) to show the array of foods featuring the delicate, popular food.

Sometimes, hostess’ would try, at great expense to their families, and each other, to out do one and other when it came to these featured, more fancy dinners. They were very resourceful finding different things to use as decoration to sort of play up this main spectacle, using china figurines, services and the like to create an ‘atmosphere’ that spoke complimentary to their position in society.

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The visuality of this food came to make it a largely recognizable symbol of friendship, welcome, and good cheer, and because of all these positive connotations, the food was carried over into décor, gracing bedroom sets, china, chairs, tea sets, and other items to be placed around the home, usually where any guests would be more likely to see. For example, pineapples may be featured even on the house itself, usually on a gate, symbolizing that the house’s owners were ‘welcoming’ to guests.

The pineapple was so rare, and so cherished, that there was in fact even a king who had an official portrait drawn up, featuring the great honor bestowed upon the king, the receiving of a pineapple (levins)!

Pineapples are still popular, and create wonderful centerpieces, many cruise lines use them in decorative buffets to add a little eye popping punch to their table, much like hostess’ of old used to.

Needless to say, furniture featuring the pomp pineapple worth ranging fortunes, and are of varying historical value. Which of course has lead to it’s reproduction in both mock antiques, to modern takes. In order to place a value on your particular furniture piece, do your research on companies, patterns, and items made, you might consider consulting an official, or investing in some good references. Regardless of the worth, they still make a great conversational piece!