Pine Tree Extract May Ease Menopause Symptoms

A new study from a Switzerland-based Horphags Research shows that a natural extract obtained from a common pine tree may help ease the annoying symptoms that can occur in menopause. According to Medical News Today, Pycnogenol, which is obtained from the bark of the pine tree (Pinius pinaster), may some day eliminate such symptoms as hot flashes, headaches, fatigue and vaginal dryness.

In the study the results to soon be published in the upcoming issue of the Scandinavian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, show that 155 women between the ages of 45 and 55 were randomly assigned either 100 milligrams of Pycnogenol or a placebo pill to be taken twice daily. The study ran for six months. The participating women then completed questionnaires on their symptoms at the beginning of the study, after three months and at the end of the six months. The study found that the women who received the Pycnogenol over-all reported improvements in their menopausal symptoms.

The women who received the placebo claimed that their symptoms remained the same or actually grew worse, Blood tests administered to the women also showed that the women who received the Pycnogenol showed a higher rate of antioxidant levels in their blood. Their cholesterol levels also seemed to be improved. The findings are found to be encouraging especially when many women suffering from menopausal symptoms are seeking alternatives to hormone replacement therapy. Women are advised when taking hormone replacement therapy that they run a higher incidence of certain kinds of cancers and vascular conditions.

Menopause is a naturally occurring event defined as the final menstrual period and usually confirmed when a woman has missed her period for twelve months straight. Menopause is associated with the reducing functionality of the ovaries due to aging or medical removal of the ovaries. The loss of functioning ovaries throws the woman into menopause by lowering or eliminating estrogen and progesterone in the body. These symptoms can create havoc in a woman’s life. Menopause marks the permanent end to a woman’s fertility.

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Some of the symptoms associated with menopause are hot flashes, dry skin, hair loss, mood swings, depression, memory lapse, sweating, headaches and the ability to go to sleep or stay asleep throughout the night.

Many women try and successfully suceeded in controlling some or all of their post menopausal symptoms by diet modification, exercise, weight management and the cessation of smoking. A number of women also seek help for their symptoms by using herbal remedies that need no prescription from a physician. Isoflavones ( a plant derived weak estrogen) most commonly found in soy products are successful in some women. These naturally occurring hormones are also sometimes found in dietary supplement pills available in most health food stores. The use of isoflavins have been found to be successful in about 15 – 30% of women who use them. Black cohosh also found in some dietary supplement pills has also been found to lower or eliminate hot flashes.

Prescription therapies are not recommended for long term use but are the most successful in relieving annoying symptoms of menopause. Studies have found that the use of estrogen and progesterone supplements may raise the risk of some cancers and cardio vascular diseases in some women.

You may find out more information about menopause and it’s symptoms and treatments on the following website .N.A.M.S. or the North American Menopause Site is the leading non-profit scientific organization devoted to promoting woman’s health issues and quality of life through and understanding of menopause.

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