The Top Ten Movies of 1985

The year 1985 saw Roger Moore stepping down from his role as James Bond and Out of Africa winning the Oscar for Best Picture. None of that mattered to me and my top ten list backs that up fully.

Top Grossing Movies USA 1985:
1. Back To The Future
2. Rambo: First Blood 2
3. Rocky 4
4. The Color Purple
5. Out of Africa
6. Cocoon
7. The Jewel Of The Nile
8. Witness
9. The Goonies
10. Spies Like Us

My Picks:

10. The Falcon and the Snowman: This drama starred Sean Penn and was based on a true story about two guys who became spies when they started selling off American documents to the Russians to turns a quick buck.

9. Death Wish 3: My father’s taste in film tends to keep it simple with old Westerns and war violence. Charles Bronson starred in the brutal Death Wish series keeping it simple: he took names and kicked ass. I remember watching this one over and over again with my favorite part being a booby trap in an apartment that whacks a thug, who flees, leaving behind a tooth.

8. Weird Science: A reenactment of many a fantasy for many a dude.

7. Commando: Arnold was the man in the 80’s! Enjoyed this action flick from the opening with him carrying an entire tree to the punching through hotel walls and chopping off of arms.

6. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome: I wasn’t a Tina Turner fan but the fact that we owned this movie when I was a kid meant I got quite a few doses of my necessary violence from watching it. Two men enter, one man leave!

See also  The Top Ten Movies of 1981

5. Pee-wee’s Big Adventure: Large Marge scared the crap out of me when she told that ghost story and her face went into a clay animation ghost face! This movie was just fun all the way around, especially the music.

4. Rambo: First Blood 2: Loved this movie so much I bought the plastic knife and Buddha necklace as seen in it. Aside from the 4th Rambo film this is my favorite of the series.

3. Back To The Future: The Back To The Future series was one of my favorites until I got older and started doing the genealogical math of the sequels and found it didn’t make much sense. The first movie though still holds up strong as grand entertainment.

2. Follow That Bird: One of my all time favorite movies as a child and one cannot shake such likings even when they get older. This Sesame Street movie rocked because I found it funny and it did away with all of the learning that darn television show kept interrupting my skits with.

1. The Goonies: One of the best family adventure movies ever; if not the best. The sense of pure adventure captured in this tale of kids hunting for treasure is what childhood is all about.