Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix Review

I love to bake, but I don’t always have time to make treats from scratch. Many times I use cake mixes and try to make them my own by using additional ingredients. When shopping for cake mixes the other day, I discovered Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mixes. I was a little skeptical at first, until I discovered that the product was sweetened with Splenda. Splenda tastes exactly like sugar, but is safe for diabetics and is calorie free. I decided to give Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mixes a shot and purchased the item to use in a pineapple upside down cake. But, was this Pillsbury product as good as their other products?

Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix Review: Nutrition

As with any other reduced sugar product, diabetics cannot simply eat all they want because it’s low in sugar. But, this item does contain 50% less sugar than the regular yellow cake mix. This means that diabetics can at least enjoy a small portion of the dessert. A serving is 1/12 of the dessert and contains 10 grams of sugar. The product is also lower in fat and calories having 3 grams of fat and 160 calories, compared to a regular cake mix which has slightly more (3.5 grams of fat and 170 calories). This is all well and good, but how does it taste?

Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix Review: Taste

A product can be better for you, but if it tastes bad you aren’t going to eat it. The taste of Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mixes is absolutely fabulous. You would never know that this product contains 50% less sugar. I was amazed at how great it tasted, but I was also amazed that the texture was also amazing.

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Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix Review: Texture

The texture of Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mixes is exactly what you would expect from a Pillsbury product. The cake is super moist and the crumb texture is almost better than regular cake mixes. You will not be disappointed with the texture of this cake mix.

Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix Review: Price

Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mixes are slightly more expensive than the regular versions. This is more than likely caused by the fact that Splenda costs more than sugar does. But, the price is more than worth it and much more affordable than other reduced sugar products.

Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix Review: Satisfaction Rating

I give Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix 5 stars. Not only did the Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Cake Mix taste amazing and have a wonderful texture, but it worked well with my recipe. I highly recommend this product. Not only is it perfect for diabetics, but it’s also a healthier way to make cupcakes for your kids. Just add Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Frosting to the finished cupcakes and you’re done.
