Phony Sneaker Alert! Fake Nike’s Air Force 1’s, Air Jordans, etc. Being Sold Online

With the sneaker industry doing so well, there are some people that want to put themselves in that particular market and get a piece of the pie. These people are selling Nike’s Air Force 1’s, Air Jordans, and other different sneakers on websites. They are starting their very own home businesses with these fake sneakers. In some areas in different cities they are even being sold on street corners and in stores.

Some people are aware of this and still purchase them. But some are not and they get tricked. These shoes are put together so well that they will appear to be authentic to someone who has been purchasing them for years. One thing that can be said about these replicas is that they are low quality and will not last as long as an authentic pair. If worn often, you will notice how easily they tear. Materials used to make replica sneakers are not as good as real companies use to make them with. The soles of the replica sneakers appear to fade away like an eraser after periods of time. And the stitching starts to loosen up as time goes by.

Another thing to take notice in is all the weird colors that are being put together and sold. Gucci and Burberry Air Jordans and Air Force 1’s are obviously replicas. Just think how many times you have seen Michael Jordan himself wearing a pair like that. It is possible to buy a real pair and have them altered with all that stuff but I’m pretty sure it will be very expensive.

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An authentic pair of Air Jordans should cost around $150.00. People selling them on street corners, out of the trunk, and websites are selling theirs for around $100.00. Some of the desperate ones will even go cheaper than that to make a sale. They are still making a nice profit because whoever sold the shoes to them, sold them for a very cheap price because buying them in bulk quantities is the only way you can get them. If you buy them in bulk you only pay around $25.00 a pair.

Before buying sneakers off of websites like EBay you can do some research on the seller. Look at their percentages of positive and negative feed backs. You should always buy from a high-ranking merchant. Someone who gives you a way to contact them is recommended. Their web pages should always be neat and sharp looking with quality pictures.

In closing, it isn’t easy to identify the replicas from the real just by looking with the human eye. But before you buy, you might want to pay attention to some of the points mentioned above.