Phenocal – the Inside Facts & Story

Background of Phenocal

Phenocal is manufactured by Phermaxa labs – one of the leading dietary supplements manufacturers. Phenocal is a dietary supplement geared towards higher metabolism and weight loss. The following major features set the Phenocal apart from all the other weight loss:

– Phenocal works by suppressing your appetite

– Accelerating your metabolism

– Maximizing your workout performance

– Increasing your weight loss potential

– Utilizing the best weight loss resources from the nature

– The side effects of Phenocal are almost minimal

– Experimental studies from Phenocal users have shown that it works even great for an extremely over-weight person

Phenocal Competitive review

– It is true that most of the dietary supplements do not have any such an exhaustive clinical studies as compared to the mainstream drugs – because of a minimal side effect in most of these. It has been argued by some other manufacturers that the clinical research was not very extensively done for Phenocal. But, then the real test results of the diet supplements are revealed when tested in our daily lives.

– Most of the Phenocal users have experienced not only a very encouraging loss of weight but also an overall feeling of well being. These are the field study finding from real human being who were taking Phenocal and not on mice and guinea pigs.

– It has also been pointed out that Phenocal does not contain adequate doses of Hoodia, Green tea & Glucomannan – the 3 major natural supplements. Well, the stance of Phenocal manufacturers is that any amount above what they have used might not be effective. In addition, these amounts also acclimatize the body gradually towards a new way of functioning – A higher metabolic rate and energy levels. It is a well known fact that any sudden spurt in body organ activities have very unwanted impact -particularly on heart & kidneys. The amounts used in Phenocal enable not only a balanced weight loss but also a better functioning of other major organs.

– Some people have mentioned that Phenocal contains only Hoodia which acts like an appetite suppressant. In addition to hoodia, Phenocal also contains Green tea and Glucomannan as its ingredient. To say that Hoodia is ineffective would be to question the efficacy of every other product on the market. Hoodia has been researched with success for the last 5000 years. Hoodia makes Phenocal one of the most used and loved supplements as of now.

– The dosage prescribed by Phenocal is safe and adequate for all age groups and weight segments. Please follow the dose prescribed by Phenocal seriously as they ensure not only a gradual weight loss but also a healthy body.

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– Phenocal might have a slightly higher price tag but that is just to ensure a higher quality of ingredients some of which are rare – Nothing is more valuable that your life – Phenocal sticks to these motto.

– Some people have suggested that the individual ingredients of Phenocal could be bought separately and they would cost less. Well, that means we don’t need any Pfizers or Merck or any clinics or doctors. We can buy individual components of Tylenol and they should work better and cheap. You are free to try the ingredients of Phenocal separately.

– Phenocal will not be the global weight loss leader if it was not working on the reference model. Most of the brand ambassadors of Phenocal are its users. Phenocal is not successful because of goodwill and good reviews but because of its good end results.

The major herbs used in Phenocal

Phenocal & Green Tea

The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. This is one of the major ingredients in Phenocal.

The following ailments are particularly being targeted by Green tea:

• cancer

• rheumatoid arthritis

• high cholesterol levels

• cariovascular disease

• infection

• impaired immune function

Phenocal & Hoodia

Deep inside the African Kalahari desert, grows an ugly cactus-like plant called the Hoodia. It thrives in extremely high temperatures, and takes years to mature.

The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world’s oldest and most primitive tribes, had been eating the Hoodia for thousands of years, to stave off hunger during long hunting trips.

• Hoodia will curb your appetite almost immediately after taking only a few milligrams;

• Hoodia gives you control over your appetite – being the most effective natural appetite suppressant ever found

• Hoodia will make you feel great- its a natural mood enhancer;

• Hoodia will help you to lose weight by not over-eating;

• Hoodia is 100% Natural with Proven results that will work for you;

• Hoodia will not give you the shakes like so many other appetite suppressants;

Phenocal utilizes Hoodia, Green tea & some other natural supplements. Apart from Phenocal, Some other diet supplements have started using these two supplements.

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Garcinia Cambogia in Phenocal

Then there’s garcinia cambogia, a yellowish pumpkin shaped fruit found in India and parts of Asia. This is the source of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that is found in many weight loss products. As reported in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, extensive animal studies have shown that HCA suppresses appetite and enhances fat-burning. Phenocal is one of first diet supplements to utilize this.

Phenocal & Glucomannan

Glucomannan’s role in weight loss is well established. In one study published in the International Journal of Obesity, 20 obese patients who received two 500-milligram tablets of glucomannan daily prior to each of the three meals who didn’t change their eating or exercise habits lost an average of over 5 pounds over an eight-week period. Serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were also significantly reduced and no adverse reactions were reported. Phenocal utilize Glucomannan in adequate ratio to enhance metabolism and well being.

7-keto-DHEA in Phenocal

Phenocal likewise contains 7-keto-DHEA, a safe alternative to the controversial drug DHEA that has been linked to cancer. Dr. Henry Lardy of the University of Wisconsin Department of Biochemistry said 7-keto is more potent than DHEA in stimulating liver enzymes responsible for thermogenesis (burning calories) without the nasty side effects of the latter. This makes Pehenocal one of the unique diet supplements.

Ingredients of Phenocal

Servings Per Container: 50 Amount Per Serving

Hoodia Gordonii 250 mg

Green Tea leaf extract (camellia sinensis,

80% catechins, 60% EGCG) 250 mg

5 HTP (5-hydroxyptophan) 100 mg

Garcinia Cambogia PE 200 mg

Chromium 100 mcg

Evodiamine 40 mg

Glucomannan 400 mg

Yerba Mate (25% extract standardized

for xanthines) 100 mg

Bioperine® Black Pepper extract 5 mg

Coleus Forskohlii (10% Forskohlin) 100 mg

Cocoa extract (standardized for

phenylalanine, tyramine, 10%

theobromine) 325 mg

7-keto-DHEA 100 mg

L-Tyrosine 400 mg

Thiamine HCI (vitamin B1) 10 mg

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 5 mg

Hydroxocobalamin (pure vitamin B12) 50 mcg

Niacinamide (Niacin – vitamin B3) 25 mg

Biotin 50 mcg

Pyridoxine HCl (vitamin B6) 6 mg

Folic Acid 50 mcg

Calcium Pantothenate (vitamin B5) 10 mg

Recommended Use for Phenocal: Take 3 capsules twice daily, once in the morning and once mid-afternoon.

Phenocal Clinical Studiesl

Hoodia Gordonii

A specific component of hoodia extract is thought to be responsible for appetite suppressant properties. This constituent has been dubbed P57. This substance is thought to act centrally to stimulate sensations of satiety.

1. Mangold T. Sampling the Kalahari cactus diet. BBC News; May 30, 2003.

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Preliminary unpublished evidence suggests that overweight men who consume P57 have significantly lower calorie intake than those on placebo

1.Phytopharm plc successful completion of proof of principle clinical study of P57 for Obesity. Phytopharm Press Release; December 5, 2001.

Green Tea Extract

1. Zheng G, Sayama K, Okubo T, et al. Anti-obesity effects of three major components of green tea, catechins, caffeine and theanine, in mice. In Vivo 2004;18:55-62.

2. Acheson KJ, Gremaud G, Meirim I, et al. Metabolic effects of caffeine in humans: lipid oxidation or futile cycling? Am J Clin Nutr 2004;79:40-6.

3. Chantre P, Lairon D. Recent findings of green tea extract AR25 (Exolise) and its activity for the treatment of obesity. Phytomedicine 2002;9:3-8.

4. Cronin JR. Green tea extract stokes thermogenesis: will it replace ephedra? Altern Comp Ther 2000;6:296-300.

Green tea increases energy expenditure and fat oxidation.

1. Dulloo AG, Duret C, Rohrer D, et al. Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70:1040-5.


Preliminary evidence suggests that taking 5-HTP orally might help reduce appetite, caloric intake, and weight in obese patients

1. Cangiano C, Ceci F, Cancino A, et al. Eating behavior and adherence to dietary prescriptions in obese adult subjects treated with 5-hydroxytryptophan. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;56:863-7.


There is preliminary evidence that taking glucomannan orally might help reduce weight in obese children and adults.

1. Livieri C, Novazi F, Lorini R. [The use of highly purified glucomannan-based fibers in childhood obesity].

2. Vita PM, Restelli A, Caspani P, et al. [Chronic use of glucomannan in the dietary treatment of severe obesity].

Walsh DE, Yaghoubian V, Behforooz A. Effect of glucomannan on obese patients: a clinical study. Int J Obes 1984;8:289-93.

3. Cairella M, Marchini GAD. [Evaluation of the action of glucomannan on metabolic parameters and on the sensation of satiation in overweight and obese patients].

4. McCarty MF Glucomannan minimizes the postprandial insulin surge: a potential adjuvant for hepatothermic therapy. Med Hypotheses. 2002 Jun;58(6):487-90

You can get more information on Phenocal at Phenocal’s official blog. Author: Health, Diet & nutrition enthusiast. Blog:

Author is a healthcare, aromatherapy, natural herbs & culinary Enthusiast. She can be contacted at her blog:
