Personality by Blood Type

A not so new way of identifying personality traits, similar to how your horoscope describes your personality based on your sign, that many Americans may not have heard of.

Around the 1930’s, the Japanese came up with a new way of determining a person’s personality, by their blood type. This is actually quite popular in Japan and is as popular as reading your horoscope is in the Untied States. According to, Most of the Japanese people know their blood type and know of this blood type kind of horoscope. The Rh (the positive and negative) factor in blood types has no effect on the personality traits, only the actual type dictates your personality.

According to and, type O’s are very social people, easy-going, and also optimistic. They love to be the center of attention and are known to set the tone for the group of people they are surrounded by. They are dramatic and overachievers. They are known to be popular and be very liked by everyone. On the negative side, type O’s are commonly vain and stubborn. They are also very influence able and overly flexible.

People with type A blood are perfectionists and are very artistic people. They are very trustworthy and reliable. Unlike type O’s people with type A blood are conscientious and shy. They are also very calm and earnest. Their earnestness can sometimes be a bad thing as a negative trait of these people is their tendency to be over earnest. They appear to be strong people, but are actually just good at hiding the fact that they are so fragile.

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Type B people are interested in everything. They are the type of people that get things done and won’t stop trying until it does get done. They are very happy people and the type of people that do well at whatever they want to. Because so many things spark their interest, they are the people who have a large amount of hobbies but only stick to the ones that they really love. On the down side, they are egocentric and arrogant. They also have a tendency to get caught up in their own world which causes them to be irresponsible.

People with type AB blood, can have two different personalities, they can be shy like type A and at the same time be outgoing like type B. They are very sensitive people. They usually have a lot of friends, but also need days to spend all to themselves. While they are responsible, they do not do well with too much responsibility. As for negative personality traits, they have a tendency to be critical. Due to the fact that they have traits from both the A and B blood types, they can also be very indecisive.

As mentioned before, the blood type personality descriptions are in a way, the Japanese horoscopes. Horoscopes match people based on their signs and the same is true for the blood types. Each person is compatible with someone who has the same blood type as them, and AB is actually equally compatible with all the different types. Other then their own, blood types A, B, and O are most compatible with type AB’s.

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So, what’s your blood type?

“Japanese Culture Site,”
“Ketsuekigata- Personality by Blood Type”