Percy Jackson Reviews Split Among Mortals

Percy Jackson reviews could be mistaken for Harry Potter. After all, Percy Jackson reviews pretty much all talk about how this is a Harry Potter knockoff, down to the last detail. Once again, a troubled teen finds out his hidden magical powers, goes into training to use them, has a girl and a boy by his side, must battle the ultimate evil – and is directed by Chris Columbus. But this time, the adventure involves Greek mythology and not Hogwarts. Most Percy Jackson reviews can’t tell the difference, but only half of them mind.

The latest popular book series to be turned into a franchise is Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The first volume/movie, The Lightning Thief, explains how high schooler Percy Jackson discovers that not only are the Greek Gods real, he is the son of water God Poseidon. But Percy needs to develop his demi-god powers soon, as a war is coming – beginning with the theft of Zeus’s lightning bolts.

Fittingly, a movie about the original Olympians is being released on the first day of the Winter Olympics. But instead of Greek mythology, the Percy Jackson reviews mainly discuss Harry Potter. In addition to the thematic links, director Chris Columbus even helmed the first two Potter films – though they were regarded as the worst of that series.

Similar mixed responses surround Percy Jackson, as Rotten Tomatoes gives it a rotten 54% rating. However, compared to the worse reviews for The Wolfman and Valentines Day, and some of Columbus’s past work, this would make it the week’s best bet by default.

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The Rotten Tomatoes consensus is “Though it may seem like just another Harry Potter knockoff, Percy Jackson benefits from a strong supporting cast, a speedy plot, and plenty of fun with Greek mythology.

Despite the usual complaints against Columbus, few seem to outright hate the movie, or outright love it. Percy Jackson reviews seem to be divided between moderate approval and disapproval, with some pleasantly surprised and others disappointed. That could both help and hurt the movie’s chances of getting the Percy Jackson book sequels adapted.

But the ultimate judgment will come from Hollywood’s version of Zeus- the box office. On that end, hopes are mixed, since Valentines Day and The Wolfman are expected to rule that Mount Olympus this weekend. The movie may be able to steal lightning, but likely won’t steal first place from Valentines Day, and will be neck-and-neck with The Wolfman for second.

The buzz and reviews for Percy Jackson haven’t been strong one way or the other. That may ensure opening weekend success and approval, since it could have been much worse, but it has a ways to go for more lasting glory – and more chances to improve in the future. If Greek mythology fans aren’t impressed, they can hope for more with the new Clash of the Titans next month.


Rotten Tomatoes- “Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief”

Reuters- “Valentine’s Day poised for box-office win”