Parasites of the Skin and Their Infestation

Another case of parasites are parasitic skin infections. This is where normal parasites that find ways into the skin and to live and lay their eggs. The infections are ring worms, scabies, and skin lice and bed bugs. Scabies is the infestation of tiny little insects burrowing themselves in the skin and that causes itching, this is spread by people sleeping in the same bed as an infected person, wearing their clothing or close person contact

There are other parasites of the skin that don’t attack the bowel, but they create just as much havoc as they do the _bowel parasites, these can be found living in the skin or in beds and furniture. The insects get into the skin and hatch-causing a white like scab to appear. Anyone can contract scabies. In younger children this causes legions on the head, neck and palms, but in older the children they manifest on the hands, between the fingers, the waist, the navel, the groin, the armpits and around the breast.

The itching is usually quite severe with a rash and small red lumps appearing. Scabies is a treatable parasite infestation; it is treatable by the physician. Treatments are dependant on the extent of the infestation, the age of the child, and the overall health. There are three types of lice-Head lice, skin lice, and pubic lice.

Head lice usually affect children in schools, daycare and any setting where a number of children are gathered. Head lice usually transfer from one child to the next that are in close proximity. The child will have itching in the head area and small eggs called ‘nits’ can be seen behind the ears and around the hairline. With body lice there can be itching and the lice can be found in the seams and hems of clothing. They are not so popular in children that live in the US however it is not impossible. Pubic lice are extremely contagious and can be transmitted through sexual encounter or by using a contaminated towel, rag, bed sheets or wearing a piece of clothing that’s contaminated. This affects the pubic area and can cause embarrassing itch, this infestation is also called ‘crabs’. This can migrate to the eye brows, beard, armpits and chest hair. This is a true example of parasite of the skin that can easily spread from one person to the next.

See also  Common Skin Diseases in Children: From Ringworm to Scabies

A physician will be able to treat parasite infestations with medicated crème rinse and medicated ointments. Nits (eggs) should be remove using a tweezers or fine tooth comb, after which should be washed in hot soapy water. It is best to keep hair clean along with towels and bed linens.Another nuisance is bed bugs, they are mahogany brown in color and are nocturnal, they move very fast under bright lights. These little parasites live off the blood of their victims and are usually in mattresses and bed frame. They will also get into light sockets, windows and door frames, peeling wall paper, baseboards and any place dark that will accommodate them. These bed bugs bite and will do so on uncovered areas of the body such as the neck , face, hands ankles. It is painless however, there is a red wheal and itchy. Treatment for this infestation begins with calling in the pest control that specializes in the fumigation of bed bugs. Wash all clothing and bed linens and dry in a hot dryer. Clean and sanitize the room that has the infestation, discard old mattress and purchase a new seamless one. Ring worms are a fungi parasite that feeds off the outer dead skin of humans and animals. The fungi eats the skin in a circular shape hence the name. Many times ring worm is referred to as ‘jock itch’ or ‘athletes foot’ meaning the infestation is in the groin area or the feet. This can be spread through contact with someone or an animal that is infected. Treatments can be in the form of cream, lotions or oral medicine for parasite of the skin.

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