Home Remedies for Lice

Motto for Getting Rid of Lice:

Leave nothing to chance when it comes to lice.

Tired of not being able to get rid of lice? Try these home remedies that are tried and true. Get your house back and get rid of the lice today!

If you are reading this article, you have no doubt been bombarded by lice. Or, you may have heard that your school has an outbreak of lice; either way, the word, lice, is a dirty word. Why? Because lice is contagious and can be difficult to get rid of from your home; never fear, there is help!

Wipe away those tears and get ready to take your home and family back. Once you learn how to deal with lice, they won’t have the control of making our lives miserable any longer. We may not be able to stop them from being contagious, but we can Lysol them out of our homes.

Stay Calm!

Remember to stay calm. Embarrassment is natural but lice happens to many families across the Unites States. Don’t worry. Everyone knows you have a clean house. The truth is that children from clean homes can get lice.

How long are Lice contagious?

As long as the lice are alive, they are contagious. That is the bad news. The good news is that you can utilize things in your house to quickly eradicate the pesky bugs. Don’t be afraid to search in your cabinets for the necessary home remedy components. Remember, they can’t live long if they aren’t on you or your child’s body. That means you can get rid of them!

What are some symptoms of Lice?

Basically, the most common side effect is intense itching and scratching. But, there could be no symptoms and still have lice, so beware. Once you see yourself or your child itching a lot, begin checking each piece of hair on their (your) head.

The good news is that lice can only live up to 2 days away from the scalp. Basically, they need your blood to live. Get them away from your scalp, and you are making headway toward getting rid of them for good.

When did I get lice?

Did you know it can take from 2-3 weeks before a person realizes they have lice? That’s right; you can have lice and not even know it. We both know the second you realize you are your child has lice you want remedies to get rid of lice ASAP. Thankfully, there are many home remedies for lice today. Using products around the house can be better than the medicated shampoos that cost a lot of money $18-$25, per kit.

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Don’t be so quick to run out to the store when disaster hits. First, look to see what you have in your home. You may be able to save yourself a lot of money.

What do I do once I have lice, what do I do?

Stay calm, first and foremost. Once you’ve used the medications listed in this article, stay away from the public for at least 24-48 hours. You want to double check your hair to ensure there are no lice left in your hair.

Use a plastic bathing cap to sleep in every night. This will ensure there are no new outbreaks. Protect your hair and forgo vanity. You might look ridiculous but you will be getting rid of the lice.

Use Lysol on everything in your home. Here is a list of things to clean:

• Walls

• Floors

• Carpets

• Mattress

• Pillows

• Clothes

• Door knobs

Don’t be afraid to Lysol everything. Believe me, you want everything disinfected. The more you disinfect, the less chances the lice have of living in your home. Clean everything in your home, top to bottom. It’s a lot of work, but it will pay off.

How should I sleep?

Contain yourself to one area of sleep. Use one pillow, one blanket etc… Every day, make sure to clean those to make sure no lice are still living. Try to Lysol the pillows then put them in the dryer. The heat will kill any leftover lice.

Should I tell people I’m around that I have lice?

The short answer is yes. No matter how embarrassing this subject is, you don’t want others to catch the lice. If they have, you want them to be able to get rid of the lice quickly. Be smart. Tell your family and friends.

What is a Household remedy for Lice?Basically, you are going to look around your house for common items instead of rushing out to the store to buy more expensive kits on killing lice. You can save yourself a lot of money and stress. Home remedies are not only cost effective, but you can sometimes get rid of the lice faster than using a kit.

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Home Remedy for Lice

What you need to kill Lice:


Listerine (several bottles)

White Vinegar

Paper Towels

Clean Towels

Bath shower caps

RID is the Kit you can buy at stores to kill Lice. My kit cost over $18. I use the kit with the home remedy but I’ve heard many people say the RID kit didn’t work at all. Find the best method for yourself and then go at those lice!


Step One: Use the RID shampoo. It actually took a bottle and a half for your entire hair. Apply the shampoo to dry hair and leave this on for 2 hours. After you used a Knid comb to comb through your hair, rinse with water. Many people don’t do this step and use only the Home Remedy for Lice. That is certainly all right as many people say the RID doesn’t even work fully. Decide for yourself.

Step Two: Pour Listerine onto your hair and covered with a Bathing Cap. Then put a towel over the cap to hold in any extra liquid. Leave this on for 2 hours.

Step Three: Use the Knid comb to comb your entire hair, piece by piece. Now pour White Vinegar onto your hair. Again, place the Bathing Cap onto your hair and added a towel. Leave this on for 2 hours.

Step Four: Rinse the White Vinegar. Use your favorite Shampoo and Conditioner. Use the Knid comb to comb through your hair, even while the shampoo or conditioner is still on your hair. Once you are finished, rinse thoroughly.

Step Five: Wear a Bathing Cap nightly to ensure you do not get new lice in your head.

Step Six: Do this until every couple of days until all lice have disappeared from your home.

Step Seven: Don’t forget to continue putting Lysol on everything in your home. Wash clothes, pillow cases, pillows… basically, anything that could be a foundation for the lice eggs to lie, you want to wash it. Possibly, pour some Bleach into the washer to make sure the lice do not live. My motto is leave nothing to chance when it comes to lice.

2Nd Directions (if you don’t like the first)

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What you need:

Vinegar (Dissolves eggs)

Olive Oil or Baby Oil

Shampoo and Conditioner

Knid Comb


There are many different thoughts as to how long you should leave the baby oil or olive oil on. In my experience you can leave it on from 2 hours to all night. Make sure to wear a bath shower cap too. As soon as I wake up, I take the pillow cases, sheets, blankets and head straight to the washer.

Next, I Lysol the bed completely; even though I feel the house is clean, I prefer to over clean than to have another outbreak. This step is totally up to you.

Go and rinse out the olive oil completely. I like to use the Knid comb and run through my hair before I add the vinegar. Then I take White Vinegar and pour directly on my hair. Leave this on from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Rinse completely and use the Knid comb to run through all of your hair. This can take time so be prepared.

The best way is to take one piece of hair at a time and put into a hair bow. Then move on to the next piece of hair. Continue until you are lice free. Using these home remedies for lice can take time but will get rid of them!


If you find yourself still itching several days later, don’t be afraid to do a Listerine and White Vinegar rinse again. It will work.

When you apply the Listerine and Vinegar, have a towel over your eyes and mouth. The scent is strong, so be prepared.

Lice can attach to clothing, so wash close… a lot!

Stay Calm!


Why Listerine?

Alcohol baby! There is something in Listerine that the Lice do not like. Whatever it is, it does work.

Why Vinegar?

Vinegar will cause the glue which the lice use to attach to your skin to be pliable. Now you can use the comb to pull of the eggs easily. The vinegar is also a good cleaning agent, regardless to the pungent smell.