Over 10 Gift Ideas for New Teachers

These gift ideas for new teachers can help any staff member or student, whether one or more, welcome a new teacher.

From the Staff or Students

A school logo umbrella is one of many great gift ideas for new teachers to welcome them aboard. Sharing school spirit the useful way is a nice beginning. If an umbrella with a school logo is not available then browse what is. Introducing a teacher to a school that has great spirit can only add to the teacher’s performance.

A journal with calender and schedule log is a great gift idea in welcoming a new teacher into a school. Journals come in many different sizes to choose from. Gold-leaf is a beautiful addition to any book, including a journal. You can find gold-leaf journals at selective books stores as each run approximately $29.99. Borders bookstore has various journals to choose from, including journals with gold-leaf or decorated just for teachers.

Gift cards to a local store of educational supplies is a gift that all new teachers learn to appreciate as soon as they lay eyes on it. Perhaps they have children that they wish to purchase educational supplies for, this card can come in handy. On the other hand, handier when purchasing for their classroom.

Purchasing extra supplies for a new teacher can help their pocket out. Gather a list of things that the new teacher could use in their room, whether cleaning or educational, and offer them wrapped in a bow as a welcoming gift.

Since many schools are in a paper shortage, purchasing paper helps make that new teacher in the end. A gift that teachers appreciate, especially when paper is scarce. For a classroom that never has enough pens or pencils, personalize them with the teacher’s name (professionally) then place them in a box with a bow. Purchasing paper and writing tools are good economical gift ideas for new teachers.

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A paperweight with the teachers name engraved in gold or silver is an excellent welcome for any new teacher. If a paperweight does not fancy the gift taste, perhaps a personalized desk name plate will. But then again gifts for new teachers should be useful like a monogrammed stapler or a personalized pen holder. Or a personalized squeeze ball to relieve stress.

Purchasing chalk holders can help a new teacher from cramping their fingers when educating children. One that a teacher most approves of during those long educational days. Another addition to great gift ideas for new teachers.

Going green, the colorful way, is not such a bad idea with a new teacher. Purchasing a plant for the new classroom can only add to the pleasant atmosphere for that teacher. A green gift that should come with a green bow. Life, a green plant, a wonderful way to welcome the new teacher, especially one of science.

Coat racks in classrooms depends upon policy. If your school allows coat racks inside of classrooms and the new teacher has a low ratio of kids, purchasing a coat rack for that new teacher’s room is a great idea.

A large basket of classroom items is a fun choice of gift ideas for new teachers. Anything listed above can be used to fill inside of a large basket with a large bow on top accompanied by a welcome to our school or class card.

With these gift ideas for new teachers the staff or student(s) can find something perfect to welcome a new teacher.