Organic Mother’s Milk Tea Review

As a mom who is still nursing her twenty month old I can’t tell you how happy I am that I didn’t have any breastfeeding complications. Although I have had a few challenges it wasn’t anything that wasn’t easily solved. One of these challenges was having low milk supply, well at least having lower milk supply than what I was comfortable with, a couple times. Thankfully I had a wonderful item that my mom gave me when my son was born. The item of course was Organic Mother’s Milk Tea.

The first time that I got lower milk supply than what I was use to I decided to get it back up by doing a number of things. These things included encouraging my baby to nurse more, ate foods that help increase milk supply and made myself some Organic Mother’s Milk Tea. Originally I wanted to follow the directions to a tee so it would work. The directions included “drink three to five cups daily,” and I thought that I could handle that, but wouldn’t you know it I didn’t get more than two down, as my day was busy.

Well despite only drinking two cups of tea I certainly could feel an increase in my milk supply. The tea is very tasty and the Organic Mother’s Milk Tea box suggest that you can sweeten it with honey if you like. I didn’t sweeten mine and enjoyed it very much. Since the first time that I used the tea there have been a view occasions that I have made myself a cup or two and my milk supply went right back up, one time it even increased to more than what I was originally hoping to get it back up to.

See also  How to Increase Your Low Milk Supply When Breastfeeding

Now of course herbal teas are going to affect everybody different and I am sure that Organic Mother’s Milk Tea is no exception. However other mothers that I have talked to that have used it agreed that it helped increased their milk supply. As added advice though I wouldn’t recommend just drinking this tea to increase your milk supply, I would recommend drinking it in addition to encouraging your baby to breastfeed more and to eat things that increase milk supply, like brown rice. I also would recommend that before you know how much one cup is going to affect you to wait until drinking more than two in a day. All in all I think that Organic Mother’s Milk Tea is a great thing to have on hand.