Benefits for Adult Breastfeeding or Adult Nursing Relationships

In this world, it takes all kinds of people to make the world go ’round, and in the past, I’ve written on some unusual relationships, including polyamorous relationships, objectum sexual relationships, and others. In this article, I want to discuss adult breastfeeding or adult nursing relationships.

I stumbled upon an article about adult breastfeeding in an adult nursing relationship and initially was quite surprised. Then, when I continued reading and thinking about it, the positive aspects of adult breastfeeding, both in and out of an adult nursing relationship, began to make sense to me.

What is an Adult Breastfeeding?

Simply put, adult breastfeeding is when an adult consumes a woman’s breast milk. There are many reasons why this might happen, and one of the most common ones has to do with health reasons. Breast milk is, for the most part, completely sanitary, cannot spoil, is mostly hypoallergenic, full of nutrition and infection-fighting potential, packed with calories and good fats and proteins, and the list just goes on.

In fact, breast milk is so healthy and safe (provided the woman who nurses is healthy and disease free) that cancer patients have been given breast milk to help boost their immune system and help keep them healthy and to maintain their weight and nutrition during chemotherapy treatments.

What’s good for baby is good for any human being. In fact, some studies clearly indicate that any human being could thrive, not just survive but thrive, on a diet of pure breast milk from a healthy woman.

What is an Adult Nursing Relationship?

An adult nursing relationship is a physical, intimate relationship between two people, where one of the parties to the relationship nurses from a woman who either is or is not lactating. I tried doing some searches about adult nursing relationships and found that, though there are many searches on the subject, there aren’t a lot of resources or information. From what I was able to find, it seems clear to me that every adult nursing relationship is unique.

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Adult Nursing Relationship With or Without Lactation (Relactation)

While some adult nursing relationships include adult breastfeeding, such as a man or a woman suckling and drinking breast milk from a lactating female, some adult nursing relationships are simply the physical act of suckling, without actual lactation. However, it seems with regular suckling or stimulation, many woman can begin lactating or lactating again (if the woman has already given birth and lactated once in her life, it’s called relactation).

Adult Nursing Relationships with Sexual Component

Some adult nursing relationships are one aspect of a sexual relationship between partners, husband and wife or committed lovers. This type of adult breastfeeding/ adult nursing relationship usually occurs after a child is born and the idea of breastfeeding or lactation becomes a part of every day reality for a couple.

There are, however, some couples who enjoy adult breastfeeding and adult nursing relationships with each other who have never had children. Some might call adult nursing relationships a sexual perversion, a sexual fetish, or a sexual act, but most couples who share in an adult nursing relationship feel the connection and intimate bond with their nursing partner goes beyond sex and is more intimate and emotional than it is physical.

Adult Nursing Relationships without Sexual Component

Some people have a psychological need to nurture, give sustenance to, or receive comfort and stress relief from entering into an adult nursing relationship, and for these people, an adult nursing relationship might develop without any sexual component. That is to say, the nursing aspect of the relationship is either separate from or not a part of the relationship with the other person. Breastfeeding and adult nursing are not always sexual activities or even foreplay to sexual activities for many adult nursing relationships.

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Adult Breastfeeding without Adult Nursing Relationship

There are some adults who choose to drink breast milk, either for health or immunity issues, who do not physically nurse from a lactating woman. Breast milk is packed with fat, calories, good protein and lots of health immune boosting properties. For someone who is ill, immuno-compromised, or at an unhealthy low weight, adult breastfeeding is an easy on the system way to add pounds and boost immunity.

More about Adult Nursing Relationships and Adult Breastfeeding

Finding information about adult breastfeeding and adult nursing relationships on the internet was difficult at best. The majority of the results I found were based on pornography and sexuality, but the few relevant links I did find made it clear that the majority of adult nursing relationships are not sexual in natural–or at least, they are not exclusively sexual.

It seems there’s a clear intimate bonding experience that occurs during adult nursing that is pleasurable to both parties on a physical, emotional and psychological basis. While I realize there are many who will think an adult nursing relationship is strange, and I’ll admit that was my instinctive reaction too, the more I thought about adult nursing relationships, the more this type of intimate relationship made sense to me.

We all have things we enjoy, both sexually and intimately–having someone stroke our hair, scratch our backs, rub our feet–while other people might not enjoy those same things. I see adult nursing relationships to be very similar to those types of intimate things–it might not be for everyone, but I see nothing wrong or strange about those who enjoy this type of relationship.

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For more ‘real’ (read: non-porn) information about adult nursing relationships and adult breastfeeding, see the links listed in the resources section of this article. In particular, though, I’d like to link to an AC contributor’s article on the subject of adult breastfeeding and adult nursing relationships, because she has done a much better job of researching and writing on the adult nursing relationship than I ever could. Her name is PolyQ and her adult nursing article can be found here. Poly explored the adult nursing relationship from a psychological and emotional level, and I think she did a fantastic job with the topic. Please tell her Michy sent you!
