Olecranon Bursitis: Popeye Elbow – Are Your Upper Arms Still Large After Loosing Weight?

If you’ve ever tried, and lost weight only to find you still have larger upper arms than you would like to keep, then you may have Olecranon Bursitis.

This condition is one of many types of bursitis, and one that I had never heard of before, until a recent routine visit to my Doctor. He asked me before I left if there was anything else of concern, and commented on how fit and healthy I was looking. I thanked him, and told him that unless he had a remedy for left-over upper arm fat I was otherwise fine.

After I said this he promptly asked me to show him my arms, which I did. He compared and measured them, and one was actually much larger than the other. It was then determined that my problem wasn’t an excess load of weight, but possibly a bursitis known as Popeye Elbow. As it happens, this condition does not always offer any level of uncontrollable pain, although there had been some discomfort in my case which I had blamed on a bad sleeping posture. Needless to say I was surprised to find out from testing that followed, that I actually had something that owned it’s own label.


Olecranon Bursitis can be identified by either one or all of the following….

-Any pain in the elbow area, especially when moving or leaning on it.

-Swelling or the appearance of a lump behind the elbow. (hence the Popeye Arm appearance) This is caused by a fluid build up in the area, on a little sac called the bursa. The bursa is like a small water filled ‘cushion’ between the joints which protects the area from impact and helps to lubricate the area where friction is most likely to occur.

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-A change in skin color can also happen if there is an infection present, which will make the skin become red and inflamed looking.


An X-Ray can be done on your elbow to determine what the problem may be, and your medical and work history may also be examined. It may be related to an injury sustained on the job or at home without realizing it at the time, and it was probably long ago. Strain can cause it so you may not have noticed immediate pain. It may be necessary to draw fluid from the affected area if an infection is suspected and it will be sent to the lab for testing to rule out any possible underlying issues.


If you are found to have chronic Olecranon Bursitis you may be given anti-inflammatory medications, and antibiotic medications if there is infection present. Your Doctor will also advise you of precautions you can take to keep your arm safe during sports and possible day to day injuries from bumping or leaning.

Next time you lose a little weight, or if you have lost weight and are frustrated at the bulky upper arms you have kept, please consult your family Physician to rule out Popeye Elbow.