Olay Regenerist Night Resurfacing Elixir

Okay, okay: take a deep breath and have a seat before you proceed any further with this article out of a series. Miss Store Brand-Is-Usually-Just-as-Good – that is, me – is about to eat a huge slice of humble pie. I had been asking around the Viewpoints Consumer Review site inquiring as to their sharp opinions regarding facial moisturizers and facial skincare. Repeatedly, the brand name Olay would be mentioned as the best drugstore facial skincare product on the market. I’d absolutely swear that I’d purchase the product on my next trip to Walmart or CVS or Walmart, but then I’d chicken out when I saw the prices under the tempting Christmas-red little packages.

For many years I relied exclusively on Lancome products for both facial care and make-up. Later, I was able, briefly, to use an expensive product line from Japan. So, I’m used to the old “high prices pay for better quality” adage. When my income dropped some years ago, I switched to drugstore facial care and make-up products to save costs. And I was sorely disappointed. Nothing I tried seemed to really have any effect at all, save reducing my checking account balance. I had bottles of so many different types of moisturizers and cleaners and whatever-else-was-on-sale that day, that I really had no “routine” to my skincare. When I finally noticed that my skin was dry and ashen, I’d pull out two or three different brands and try to make up for lost time. My “system” wasn’t working. It really did seem to me that price did equal quality and results.

See also  Review of Olay Regenerist Eye Derma-Pod Anti-Aging System

With an unexpected bonus before Christmas, I decided to bite the bullet and take one more chance before robbing the Lancome counter. After checking prices and sales nearby, I went out to purchase a complete line of Olay facial care products. I shopped as I always do: carefully. So, I ended up with a small sale bottle of Olay Regenerist Night Resurfacing Elixir to be used after facial cleansing and before bedtime. Although it feels as if it absorbs quickly, the product directions instruct the user to allow up to five minutes for complete absorption. The elixir replaces one’s general night moisturizer.

The serum is light in texture and feels as if it absorbs quickly. My face feels clean and fresh without absolutely no greasiness or shininess from its use, and it (and its sibling products) have successfully eliminated the previous blotchiness, enlarged pores, and uneven textures that plagued me. My complexion is brighter and less blotchy.

I’ve used this Olay Regenerist Night Resurfacing Elixir now for just over two weeks and can see a very real difference in the texture, color, and softness of my skin. I haven’t had even the hint of a blemish since beginning the use of these products, when previously these were common occurrences.

I plan to keep using this product, despite its relative expense to my income. I’ll just have to keep an eye out for coupons, sales and specials and stock up when I can. I buy generic store brands when I can so I can premium brands like this when they produce a real difference.