Oklahoma City’s OKLAHOMA GAZETTE Meets “Girls Gone Wild”

Kathryn Jenson White is apparently busy enough to believe that we should understand how ‘what affects her’ applies in our lives.

She didn’t actually say that “out loud,” but her use of the first-person rather than the third- in “Film as female foreplay” (an OKLAHOMA GAZETTE-article discussing how viewing chick-flick intimacy turns her all ‘worthy’ women] ‘on’) cries that ‘out soft‘ to the critical reader.

Mayhap she is attempting to give her critical readers a lesson in bad writing, for the first-person style makes her article look more like a personal diary (‘dear diary … astral panty-sweats …’) than the ‘educated evaluation of film’ that it is.

For the editors know who they’re reading-that she’s gone through much rigamerole to attain her positions (positions too innumerable to name here, I’m sure)-but the average reader can’t be assumed to know anything about the writer unless it’s written in the article. Reading KJW’s article, the average reader sees the personal rantings of an ‘intellectually erotic’ (or ‘educated & purvy,’ take your pick) film critic.

But hey! it was written during the Love-Holiday season. Maybe it was “Show Us Your Beads”-week at the OKLAHOMA GAZETTE-offices. In that spirit, let’s talk about … me.

Forgetting whether the GAZETTE is trying to sound worth-reading (i.e. thinking of the GAZETTE as more ‘a collection of diaries’ rather than ‘informed writing’), I can say that Kathryn Jenson White’s writing-while it didn’t ‘give me a woody’ when I rehd it … not this time-reminded me of what mentally “turns me on”: yes, the images/feeling of a naked seductress straddling me certainly helps; but what truly excites me is ‘secret understanding’.

See also  The Problems with Urban Sprawl

That is, as opposed to the reasons that ‘you could say’ … e.g. at face-value, you could say you’re here to read a critique of contemporary critics’ style; it’s my secret understanding that you’re REALLY here because a late-night `Net-search found some raunchy words (like sex, boobies, woody, erotic, etc.) placed within this article-SCHWING!

Or the divine, super-hot, highly-stimulated, partially-drunk, nude seductress could say that she’s attracted to me by my unrelenting sweetness; but my secret understanding tells me that-since I behave as I do (audaciously … without regard for reputation)-she’s under the impression that I’m `frickin rich! that making me happy (doing my bidding) will keep my mansion-roof over her- and each of our well-raised children’s-head.


Feel free to email any/all available members of the OKLAHOMA GAZETTE-staff and relate how this article and/or “Film as female foreplay” got a little-too personal…

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