How to Have an Astral Projection or Out-of-Body Experience

Have you ever waken up in the middle of the night only to find yourself paralyzed. You can not move or talk but only able to move your eyes. This is known as astral or sleep paralysis. Sometimes it feels like someone is sitting on your chest trying to choke you. You may even feel or see a presence next to you.

All these sensations you are feeling is your astral body trying to get back into your physical body. A few times a week when we are sleeping our astral body is taking trips to anywhere it desires. The reason why we do not remember any of these trips is because our mind is asleep. It’s the times that we wake up before our astral body returns to our physical body that we experience sleep paralysis.

During Astral projection your astral body inhabits the astral plane. Once in the astral plane objects take on a reality similar to what you would experience in waking life. In addition to this, colors may seem more vivid and you may find your senses heightened.

In order to experience an OBE you must be in a “mind awake, body asleep state”. This can be accomplished through meditation. Below I will outline the very basic steps in trying to have an OBE.

Lie down and relax your body to the point where it feels lightness, numbness, or starts to vibrate. If you feel none of these then you need to learn relaxation techniques. You need to get your body to the point where you can not feel it.

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As you relax your body you want to quiet your mind. Our mind is constantly thinking and never stops. This is one of the biggest challenges we need to overcome during meditation. You want to get to the point of almost falling a sleep.

Visualize, imagine, and desire that you want to leave your body. Firmly set your attention to that “I will leave my body”. The stronger the mindset is to leave your body the easier it will become.Those are the main steps for obtaining an OBE. Once you master the relaxation and concentration you are on your way of having an OBE.

At this stage you want to keep relaxing until you feel your body become heavy or start to buzz or vibrate. When you start feeling the buzzing or vibrations keep focusing on them so that they get stronger. This stage is very important in leaving your body. At this point if you get scared or panic the buzzing or vibrations will stop and you will have to start over.

Once you are out of your body be very careful on your thoughts. In the astral plane your thoughts can be your worse enemy. If you get scared and start thinking that there are evil entities around you they will be created by your thoughts.

You can use your thoughts to travel anywhere you wish to go and get there instantly. You are now in the astral plane where your thoughts control anything you wish to do. The astral plane is between the earth plane and the spirit world. There are other planes or dimensions that exist between the earth and spiritual plane but I won’t get into them in this article.

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The last and final step in astral travel is learning how to control your emotions, awareness, vision, and movement. Once you have mastered these aspects of astral travel you will be on your way to adventures beyond your imagination.

If you are interested in learning more about OBEs and reading about first hand experiences from people that have them, I like to recommend two books you may find interesting.

Reading References:

Out-Of-Body Exploring (A Beginner’s Approach) by Preston Dennett

Out Of Body Experiences (How to have them and what to expect) by Robert Peterson