Obvious Signs He or She is Cheating

Staying faithful isn’t on everyone’s mind. There are those that will cheat. For some it is a one time thing that will never happen again. For others, it’s a way of life. If you want to know for sure if he/she is cheating, these are some surefire signs to tell if they are:

He/She Isn’t Interested

If your mate suddenly becomes disinterested in sex with you, it is a sure sign that something is not right. Barring any illness or other underlying cause, if a person has just had sexual relations with someone else, he/she will not be the least bit interested in having them with you.


Small things begin to trigger him/her into fighting with you. It can seem as though he/she is looking for a reason to fight. This is a way for a cheater to avoid close contact with you. It is also his/her guilty feelings shining through. Things that didn’t bother him/her before are suddenly a big deal. If you ask him/her a question, he/she behaves as though you are putting him/her through an inquiry. This is a sure sign that your love is not being faithful.

New Interests

He/she begins to form new interests. These new interests take him/her away from the home several nights a week. The new activity isn’t something that you can be involved in with him/her. Your sweetheart’s hours away from home are beyond anything normal for him/her.

Mysterious Trips

He/she often makes trips out to the store or other places. He/she isn’t gone long so there is no reason to think anything is up. Please think again. These are the times that he/she can make a quick phone call to the other person in their life. It can also be used for a quick meet-up with the other person for a little flirting.

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They Dress So Nice Now

If your partner has suddenly changed the way he/she dresses, you should definitely take a closer look. Most people do not suddenly decide to go from t-shirts and jeans to collared shirts and dress pants without a reason. Don’t be too impressed with this sudden change. It is definitely a warning sign that your honey is up to no good.

New Cologne/Perfume

Are you thinking that the new smell your sweetheart is putting on is really great? Chances are, so does his/her new love interest. Remember that a person who has a new love interest will go out of their way to look and smell their best. If you have been in a relationship for a long time and he/she has never worn cologne/perfume, you may want to take a hard look at why they are doing it now.

I Forgot to Call

He/she says “I was running late and forgot to call to let you know”. This should send alarm bells ringing through you head like fireworks on the Fourth of July. If he/she has never forgotten to let you know that he/she was going to be late and suddenly gets amnesia about it, then you probably have a cheater on your hands. He/she forgot to call because they didn’t want to put the other person in the position of listening to him/her talk to you. He/she figures you will understand or get over it.

The Phone Rings but No One is There

His/her cell phone rings and he/she won’t answer it. Your house phone rings but when you pick it up, you hear a click instead of a voice on the other end. That is the other man/woman. Your partner isn’t going to answer his/her cell phone with you standing right there because there is no way to talk to the other person without you finding out that they are cheating. The other man/woman calling the house phone can be one of two things. He/she is seeking to talk to your man/woman or he/she wants to talk to you to tell you what has been going on but loses their nerve.

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The Wonderful World of Computers

You see your sweetheart on the computer and as you walk towards the area he/she is sitting, he/she suddenly begins to close windows or shut down the computer. This is a sign that he/she is emailing or chatting with the other man/woman. Computers are a wonderful thing, but they also allow people to more easily cheat without getting caught.

Instinct will tell you if your partner is cheating. If any or all of the above has been happening in your household, it may be time to take a closer look at things. Although other situations can cause some of the above situations to occur, the fact is, it is more likely that your partner is being untrue to you. These are the most obvious signs of cheating. Now you have to decide what you want to do with the information.