Nutritional Value of Apples

It is difficult to write a nutritional article about apples without beginning with the saying, ‘ an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. As with many old sayings, there is much truth to be found regarding this one about apples. In a basic sense, apples are similar to most fruit and vegetables in that they contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, no fat, and no other potentially harmful components (if washed before eating).

An important thing to note regarding apples is that a large number of the nutrients are found in the skin of the fruit. Whenever possible, include the skin when consuming the food. Because of the commercial treatment of apples prior to purchase, it is important to wash the fruit in warm water before consumption. Another important aspect of apples is that they need to be chewed adequately before swallowing. The fiber in apple makes it slow to digest, which can cause two things to happen. First, some of the nutritional value of apples can be lost unless the food is chewed completely, and secondly an apple can cause stomach pain if swallowed in large chunks. As with most fruits and vegetables, the nutritional value is higher if eaten raw.

Apples contain a large number of vitamins and minerals which are found in many fruits and vegetables. These nutrients are necessary for normal body health including such things as metabolism, bone and muscle development, operation of the sensory organs and cardiovascular health. Some of the major vitamins and minerals found in apples include Vitamins A,B and C along with calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Like most fruit, apples contain no fat, salt or cholesterol.

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Besides the normal vitamins and minerals found in most fruit, apples contain a number of other beneficial chemicals that both reduce the risk of certain diseases and reverse the effects of harmful ingredients found in other foods. Below is a list of some of the more unique nutrients found in apples and some of the ways they help keep doctors away.

1. Phloridzin – Phloridzin is a flavanoid compound that has been shown to decrease the chances of developing osteoporosis. This chemical found in apples has been shown to help the body maintain bone density in older individuals

2. Malic acid – Found in high quantities in apples, this chemical has been shown to aid in the long term health of the liver.

3. Quercetin – Protects the brain from free radicals and damage that is thought to lead to Alzheimer’s disease

4. Pectin – Found in the skin of apples, Pectin has been shown to drastically lower the blood levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), this greatly decreases the chances of developing cardiovascular disease which can lead to stroke, heart attack or kidney failure.

5. Antioxidants – Apples contain a large variety of antioxidants that help the body eliminate free radicals. The damage done to cells by free radicals is a leading cause of many different types of cancers. Antioxidants found in apples also prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the bloodstream, which reduces the chance for a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.

The apple is a great fruit to include in the diet. Containing a large variety and amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as many disease preventing compounds, it is an easy addition to many meals and packed lunches. Most of the nutritional value of apples is found in the skin, which must be properly chewed in order to maximize the health benefits.