Niccolo Machiavelli: Influential Champion of Dictators

Niccolo Machiavelli was the author of the book “The Prince”, which was written in 1513, and, has often been called the “Handbook of Dictators”. Benito Mussolini praised the book in public, and, it was revered by Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin.

All of Machiavelli’s ideas have often been touted as evil, and, it is true that he encourages decietfulness and cunning, however, upon closer examination, Machiavelli has some ideas that run contrary to his reputation.

Niccolo Machiavelli was born in May 3, 1469, in San Casciano, in Val di Pesa near the city-state of Florence, Italy. (Wilkipedia, Machiavelli, Life). Probably a large part of Machiavelli’s thinking was formed when he was growing up due to the fact that Italy, unlike France and Germany, was not a well-unified state. Italy was often taken over because it was so weak, and, there was no assuredness from week to week who would be in power. (Hart, Michael Page 464)

Finally in 1494, the Republic of Italy was restored and that same year Machiavelli took a reasonably high position as a civil employee. However, in 1512, the government once again was overthrown and ultimately, Machiavelli was arrested on conspiracy charges, but, they were later dropped.

As we uncover the true Machiavelli, we must consider at least one other major work that he wrote, and, that is the book “The Discourses of the First Ten Books of Titus Livy”.

Initially we must concede the fact that Machiavelli believed in brute force, and, at times, evil force, considering his response to the question “What is better, to be loved or feared?” His response was “…it is safer to be feared than loved if one of the two is wanting…love is held through obligation…men being selfish, it is broken when it serves their purpose…fear is maintained by dread of punishment.” (Hart, Michael Page 463) Basically it would appear that Machiavelli’s only reasoning would be that of an “Iron Fist”. Yet, to consider Machiavelli’s theories only evil; is to err.

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Consider the “qualifications” given to “evil actions” in his work “The Prince”: “The only acceptable end is stabilization of the state”, and, “Evil actions should be swift, effective and short-lived”.

Quotes from the “Discourses” include: “…governments of the people are better than those of princes.” (Book One Chapter LVIII (58)), and, “…no prince is ever benefited by making himself hated”. (Book Three Chapter XIX (19))

These two comparative works by Niccolo Machiavelli might be compared to the two works by Karl Marx; the “Communist Manifesto”, and “Da Kapital”, in terms of comparing socio-political thought and the study of power as illustrated by the same author. (Wilkipedia Machiavelli Dicoursi)

Niccolo Machiavelli orated well on political theory; however, he was not in the same league as Aristotle and Plato. He orated well in the area of war; however, he was not in the same league with Alexander the Great.

When it comes to finding a spokesperson for attaining and keeping power, Machiavelli is unequalled, and, although often heralded as the dictator’s friend, a closer examination finds that he had more to offer than theories on brutality.

Niccolo Machiavelli died where he was born June 21, 1527.


Wilkopedia Nicollo Machiavelli
Hart, Michael H. The 100 A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History


  • Wilkopedia Nicollo Machiavelli