Newman’s Own Pasta Sauces: Consumer Product Review

Among the many brands of prepared and/ or jarred pasta sauces available at major American supermarkets, as well as at food retailers in 15 other countries, is the Newman’s Own (R) line of pasta sauces. Founded by famous American actor Paul Newman in 1982, the Newman’s Own (R) line of food products is well known for donating all of its profits and royalties after taxes to many charitable organizations, especially the Hole in the Wall Camps. These residential summer camps, founded by Paul Newman, offer free summer camp experiences to children with cancer and other life- threatening illnesses. Aside from their line of delectable pasta sauces, Newman’s Own (R) also produces fruit drinks, popcorn, salad dressings, salsa, steak sauce and marinades.

I admit it, I am a big fan of prepared, or jarred pasta sauces. Although I am a culinary school graduate and longtime cook, I find that the taste, quality and convenience of utilizing many brands of jarred pasta sauces quite often makes more sense and is preferrable to cooking pasta sauces from scratch. For lovers of jarred pasta sauce, like myself, the Newman’s Own (R) line of pasta sauces offers more delicious, high- quality varieties than most other American pasta sauce manufacturers. Thirteen varieties of regular pasta sauces and three varieties of organic pasta sauces are distributed by Newman’s Own (R). Although I have not yet sampled many of the flavors and styles of their pasta sauces, I have consumed several of Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces and have been very satisfied with each variety that I have tried.

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Among the factors that set Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces apart from many other jarred pasta sauces, are the authentic, slow- cooked flavors offered and the many styles of sauces, many of which can only be found at Italian restaurants. So far, I have tried the Newman’s Own (R) Marinara Sauce, which posesses a fresh and exciting tomato flavor, their Bombolina Sauce, which is a highly- flavorful tomato and basil sauce, their Fra Diavolo Sauce, a hot and spicy tomato sauce accented by crushed red pepper, herbs and spices and the Newman’s Own (R) Italian Sausage & Peppers Sauce, which is chock- full of cooked Italian sausage and red and green bell peppers. Each of the varieties that I have tried very closely resembles Italian restaurant- style sauce, an uncommon factor to be found in most prepared, or jarred pasta sauces. As the Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces have simmered on my stovetop, they have consistently filled the apartment with tantalizing aromas that other brands of jarred pasta sauces just cannot deliver. As I tasted each of the Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces, it was easy to determine that all of them were made of high- quality ingredients. The consistency of each variety of sauce lent itself well to clinging to the shells pasta that I so enjoy. Whereas some varieties of prepared, or jarred pasta sauces contain a greasy film, or are too watery and without body, each of the Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces that I have consumed has co- mingled very well with cooked pasta. Besides serving Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauce atop cooked pasta, I have also utilized it as a pizza sauce and mixed it with rice, sausage and vegetables. In fact, on more than one occasion, I have eaten this pasta sauce straight from the jar, with hunks of Italian or French bread and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Besides the afore- mentioned four varieties of pasta sauce, Newman’s Own (R) also produces the following regular varieties; Marinara with Mushrooms, Sweet Onion and Roasted Garlic, Five Cheese, Sockarooni, Roasted Garlic & Peppers, Pesto & Tomato, Vodka, Roasted Garlic and Cabernet Marinara Sauce. The three varieties of organic pasta sauces produced by Newman’s Own (R) are Marinara, Tomato Basil and Traditional Herb. All of the Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces are fairly low in calories and fat and many of the sauces are also Kosher. All things considered, Newman’s Own (R) Pasta Sauces are high- quality products that are highly recommended by this food writer.