New Hardware Technologies Promote Telecommuting

Desktop computer – a personal computer designed to be set up on a desk or table and used in that place for an extended period of time.

Laptop computer – a flat screen, battery powered portable computer that you can rest on your lap

PDA personal digital assistant – a pocket sized computer used to organize appointments, tasks, notes, contacts, and other personal information.

Input devices – device for accepting input, such as a keyboard

Output devices – device for sending information from the computer, such as a monitor or printer

Processor – part of the computer that processes information, performs arithmetic calculations, and makes basic decisions based on information values.

Motherboard – the circuit board that contains a computer’s CPU

Peripheral – an external device, such as a keyboard or monitor, connected via cables to the system central processing unit

Memory – stores programs and the data they need to be instantly accessible to the CPU

RAM random access memory – memory that stores program instructions and data temporarily

ROM read only memory – memory that includes permanent information only. The computer can only read information form it; it can never write any new information on it

Gigahertz – billions of clock cycles per second, a measurement of a computer’s clock speed

Bit – binary digit, the smallest unit of information. A bit can have two values: 0 or 1

Byte – grouping of 8 bits

Kilobyte – about 1000 bytes of information

Megabyte – approximately 1 million bytes

Gigabyte – approximately 1000 megabytes

Terabyte – approximately 1 million megabytes

ASCII (American Standard Code for information interchanged) – a code that represents characters as 8-bit codes. Allows the binary computer to work with letters, digits, and special characters

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Unicode – a 65,000 character set for making letters, digits, and special characters fit into the computer’s binary circuitry

OCR (optical character recognition) – locating and identifying printed characters embedded in an image, allowing the text to be stored as an editable document.

OMR (optical mark reader) – a reading device that uses reflected light to determine the location of pencil marks on standardized test answer sheets.

Barcode reader – a reading tool that uses light to read universal product codes, inventory codes, and other codes created out of patterns of variable width bars.

RFID (radio frequency identification) reader – a reading tool that uses radio waves to communicate with RFID tags.

RFID tag – a device that, when energized by a nearby RFID reader, broadcasts information to the reader for input into a computer


Environmental issues related to the disposal of hardware:

  • · Made from non-degradable plastics
  • · contains chemicals such as lead, cadmium, mercury and can seep into landfills and groundwater
  • ·: carpel tunnel, vision problems, and back and neck problems

Advantages of Biometrics

  • · Easier to access secure facilities because it requires physical characteristic
  • ·. Who has access to the data? What if it’s done without knowledge or consent?
