Natural Ways to Prevent Gas

Everyone has bouts of gas from time to time. After all, we are all human, but in public, flatulence can be very embarrassing, especially for those who cannot control it. While this might sound humorous, it is actually a very serious problem that many people have to deal with daily. Uncontrolled flatulence can be a debilitating condition, and it can keep otherwise healthy people from enjoying life. Just the thought of having a bout of gas in public can create a vicious cycle of stomach problems that can in turn cause more gas. Consider the following natural ways to prevent gas, and start enjoying life again. You do not have to be a prisoner in your own home because of an embarrassing problem with flatulence!

Precautionary Statement Before Using Natural Ways to Prevent Flatulence

Visit your doctor before using any of the following natural ways to prevent gas. A doctor will be able to rule out lactose intolerance or any other potential medical reason for excess flatulence while providing additional advice on ways to prevent it.

Prevent Gas by Avoiding Foods and Drinks that Cause it

Most people are aware of the common foods that cause excess gas such as beans, cabbage, onions, and broccoli, but many more foods and drinks can cause flatulence. Natural ways to prevent gas include avoiding potential culprits, and the following is a list of the most commonly overlooked food and drinks that can cause flatulence.



Bread and Other Wheat Products

Carbonated Drinks



Citrus Fruits and Drinks


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Dark Beer



Milk (especially for the lactose intolerant)

Potato Products



Raw Apples

Soy Products


Prevent Flatulence by Not Using Straws

When trying to prevent gas in natural ways, do not use straws to sip beverages. Using a straw allows unnecessary air to enter the stomach, and if the air is not expelled through belching it will be expelled in more undesirable ways. Say no to straws, and drink beverages by slowing sipping them without gulping air. Your body will thank you by not producing excess gas.

Eat Slowly and Avoid Talking During Meals to Prevent Gas

Eating slowly is also one of the best natural ways to prevent gas. When gulping down food quickly, air is unnecessarily ingested. Take small bites, and chew each bite at least ten times. Not only will you help prevent flatulence the natural way, but more than likely you will enjoy your food more than ever.

Avoiding talking during meals is also one of the best natural ways to prevent gas. Excess air in the stomach can be caused by the act of opening the mouth and swallowing while chewing and swallowing food. If the air is not expelled through belching it will be expelled in much more unpleasant ways.

Increase Exercise to Prevent Flatulence

Give your digestive system a boost that will help prevent gas in completely natural ways. Activity will help keep the digestive system running smoothly. Simply getting out and walking more while help keep your digestive system working more efficiently and help prevent embarrassing gas.

See also  Baking Soda Helps Reduce Flatulence & Bitterness

Source – Interview with Shawn Black, MD.
