Natural Remedies for Your Sick Cat

Recently I noticed my 1-year-old kitty, Sugar, wheezing and making all sorts of strange coughing sounds. At first, she would just do it once in a while, but now it’s increased to everyday. I cannot afford to take her to the vet right now, and to be honest, I really don’t like subjecting my cat to that kind of torture because it just stresses her out. I went online and researched her symptoms and other common ailments that affect cats….just for future reference, so I’ll be prepared. My research showed that the most common problems owners face when dealing with a sick cat are Urninary Track Infections (UTI) and Upper Respiratory Infections.

The treatment receiving the most praise and followers was Apple Cider Vinegar... that wonderful old-timey home remedy cures more ailments than any other home remedy. The reported cures from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar are staggering. In humans, the effects of a daily dose of Apple Cider Vinegar includes cures for allergies (pet and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout. It also breaks down fat and apparently has been widely used to lose weight. It has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar can control high blood pressure in as little as two weeks!

If the above benefits weren’t enough to convince you to make Apple Cider Vinegar a regular on yr grocery list… the benefits it can have for your beloved pet might do the trick. Apple Cider Vinegar is also wonderful for dogs, cats, and horses. It helps them with arthritic conditions, controls fleas & barn flies, helps fight infections and impoves the condition of their coat. Make sure when you are buying the ACV that it is organic and includes something called “mother.” Pasturized, distilled, or white vinegar is not the same and will have little to no effect on the ailment.

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The first time that I tried to administer ACV to my sick kitty was not a pleasant experience for either of us. I tried force feeding it to her and she made sure that I knew she didn’t appreciate the gesture. She stratched, kicked, and made me feel like I had just tortured her. I felt terrible and felt like I had done more harm than good. I decided that I needed a sneekier way to get the stuff in her system, so i put about 2 cap fulls in her water. Sometimes i would mix one cap of ACV with one cap of water and mix it in to some wet food. I also would rub a little on her paws so that she could lick it when she cleaned herself.

I am a big believer in homeopathic medicine, so I always have bottles of supplements around the house. I looked up if any of these could help my kitty with ther cough, and I was surprised to see that many of the homeopathic remedies I take to stay healthy could also be used to help my cat. There are several supplements that help with cough problems. These include:

* Plantago lanceolata: is an herbal remedy well known for soothing the throat. It helps to promote clear chests, noses and throats. This herb is also approved by the German Commission for internal use to soothe throats and the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Clinical studies have supported its effectiveness.

* Bryonia: is a proven homeopathic remedy which is very effective when used to soothe the throat and keep chests clear.

* Echinacea purpurea: strengthens the immune system. Clinical trials have proved its effectiveness in a variety of settings.

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* Ferrum phosphate: strengthens the immune system,and cell walls.

* Kalium sulphate: known for its benefits in supporting respiratory health.

* Magnesium phosphate: soothing for the throat and chest.

These supplements can easily be found online. Of course, be sure to check dosage instructions for your kitty’s particular ailment and the strenght of the supplement. Don’t forget, every situation is unique and should be treated as such.
