Natural Remedies for Treating Ear Infections

Otis Media is the term used for an ear infection. Ear infections are characterized by the swelling of the Eustachian tube. It can be accompanied by a fever, sore throat, runny nose, coughs, sinusitis and respiratory problems. Usually antibiotics are prescribed but there are other ways to treat ear infections on your own.

Some common causes of ear infections are; the common cold, bacterial and fungal infections, excessive wax buildup in the ear canal, sinus infections and allergies.

On Average 8% of Dr. visits in children are due to ear infection’s. The normal medical treatment in years past has been antibiotics. Which recently Dr’s have determined don’t matter much anyhow in the treatment of ear infections. Using antibiotics actually increases your chances of recurring ear infections! With the overuse of antibiotics it is wise not to use them as you are only making yourself resistant to them, so when you really need them they may not be as effective for you.

Some natural remedies for ear infections include the following;

Garlic and Mullein Ear Oil

Garlic and mullein are the most popular herbs used in treating ear infections. You can find pre made garlic and mullein oil at your local health food store. Or you can steep crushed cloves of garlic with 1 cup of mullein infused olive oil. 3 drops should be applied to the ears 2 times a day or as needed.

Warm Compresses

Warm washcloths placed over the ears can help with ear pain.


Echinacea helps provide immunity and reduce the amount of time of your ear infection. Echinacea should be taken in a tincture for best results. You can take it 2 times a day.

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St. Johns Wort Oil

St. John’s Wort oil will help reduce the pain of an ear infection. This can be used in conjunction or alone from the mullein ear oil.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is always an old standby for boosting the immune system. When at all possible try to obtain your vitamin C from food sources. If that’s not possible tablets can be used.


Zinc helps provide additional immunity. Use tablets and be sure to include Vitamin C.

Hydrogen Peroxide

You can use 3% diluted hydrogen peroxide for helping loosen any wax in the ear. It will also help with pain. Use 2 drops in each ear three times a day.


You can use a mixture of olive oil and antimicrobial essential oils to treat an ear infection. What you will need is 1/2 c. olive oil and 2 drops each of essential oils of lavender, tea tree and chamomile. Mix well and store in a glass bottle away from sunlight. Use 2 drops per ear 2 times daily.

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are probably the most effective and gentlest way to treat ear infections. You can buy single remedies in your health food store for under $5. These are tiny sugar pellets and should be taken under the tongue 2-3 times a day. They are safe and recommended to give children.

Some common remedies and their indications are;

Aconitum napellus- Used at onset to reduce symptoms. Indicated by a runny nose or dry cough.

Belladonna- used when symptoms include a flushed face, glassy eyes and fever.

Chamomile- soothing, helps reduce pain.

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Hepar Sulphuricum- Use when symptoms include a sore throat and swollen adenoids.

Other common sense approaches should be used when you are dealing with an ear infection. Make sure you are getting enough rest and drink plenty of fluids. Drinking extra water can help with healing ear infections.

Some other things to look at in order to treat the underlying causes of ear infections are diet & allergies, These can exasperate ear infections. Most of the time ear infections will resolve on their own but with natural remedies you can help speed up healing and reduce your discomfort.

Natural remedies are ideal because they are cheap and widely available. You also won’t be subjecting your body to antibiotics that can do further damage.