Natural Herbal Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections

Ever experience an intense burning sensation while urinating? Is it so painful to void your bladder that you dread going to the bathroom? While only your doctor can tell if you the symptoms you’re experiencing are caused by a urinary tract infection, or UTI, there are a number of things you can do to ease your discomfort and prevent a future urinary tract infection.

In a healthy person, urine is virtually germ-free. But if the bacteria that normally inhabits your digestive tract somehow enters your urethra and grows uncontrollably, a urinary tract infection can result. While no natural or herbal remedy will eliminate a urinary tract infection as quickly as the prescription medications your doctor will recommend for you, natural herbal remedies can help you prevent a future infection.

Fighting UTIs With Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice has long been a folk remedy for both kidney and urinary tract infections. Today, we know that cranberry juice is a safe, effective way to prevent urinary tract infections. A number of studies, including a 2007 review of past studies, found that regular consumption of cranberry juice, in the words of the study’s authors, “significantly reduced” recurring UTI compared to placebo.

Exactly how cranberry juice prevents urinary tract infections isn’t entirely clear but there is some evidence that cranberry juice may make it more difficult for the bacteria that causes UTIs to adhere to the lining of the urethra. While cranberry juice may not actually treat a urinary tract infection, there’s little doubt that it can be a valuable tool in prevention.

Herbal Diuretics & Urinary Tract Infections

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One way in which herbal remedies fight urinary tract infections is to simply flush out the bacteria by increasing the frequency of urination. In some parts of South America, one of the most popular herbal diuretics is Salvia scutellarioides, or dog’s ear. A 2006 Columbian study didn’t actually study dog’s ear for urinary tract infections but found infusions made from this plant effective at increasing urination.

Though not extensively studied for either safety or efficacy in the treatment of UTIs, herbal remedies like buchu, corn silk, horsetail and marshmallow root are also popular diuretics traditionally used for urinary tract infections.

Are Herbal Remedies For UTIs Right For You?

Remember, herbal remedies for urinary tract infections are often untested and may not be safe for everyone. They may also interfere with the prescription or over-the-counter medications you may already be taking. Only your doctor is qualified to diagnose your urinary tract infection. If you have any questions about UTIs or the various herbal remedies available to treat them, talk to a qualified medical professional for the information that’s right for you.


Jepson, R., Craig, J. (2007). A systematic review of the evidence for cranberries and blueberries in UTI prevention.

Santillo, V., Lowe, F. (2007). Cranberry juice for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections.

Ramirez, J., et al (2006). [Diuretic effect of an infusion of the herbal plant, Salvia scutellarioides, in rats]