Natural, Cheap Ways to Stay Cool in Hot Weather

Air conditioning is such a common way to stay cool in the summer time that it’s hard to think of doing without it. Homes, malls, automobiles and even tractors are so equipped that we can move from one artificially cooled environment to another, only noticing the heat as a temporary discomfort.

It wasn’t that long ago that air conditioning was limited to expensive vehicles and large, successful stores. Few people had it in their homes. Summer temperatures got just as hot and hot days were just as long, but people dealt with it by using far less expensive and far more environmentally friendly ways to stay cool.

You can benefit from using some of these common sense ways to stay cool when the temperatures soar.

First, forget about trying to cool entire rooms, buildings or vehicle interiors and concentrate on what really counts: Cooling your own body.

Humidity and air flow affect how we perceive temperatures and those are two things we can control, at least to an extent.


Perspiration cools our bodies when it evaporates, but when the air is already saturated, it evaporates at a much lower, less efficient rate. High humidity days can feel hotter than they really are, so the first thing to do during hot weather is keep the surrounding humidity as low as possible. Avoid any activity that will allow water vapor into the air:

Don’t boil or steam foods.

Make your shower short and as cool as you can handle.

Don’t water indoor plants unless it’s necessary because plants expire water (humidity) more quickly if their soil is damp.

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Bathrooms are high humidity areas, so keep the door closed.

Avoid doing laundry.

Don’t do other cleaning that requires water: Washing dishes, mopping floors, etc.

Air flow

A cool breeze is the stuff of daydreams when the weather is hot, but don’t leave it in your daydreams. Moving air evaporates natural perspiration and leaves you feeling cool even in the hottest weather.

If there’s a breeze of any kind, stay cool the old fashioned way: Open the windows.

Hand fans were common not so long ago. You can make your own by folding any piece of paper into a pleat or just use whatever is handy. Lightweight pasteboard, stiff plastic, heavy paper… whatever you can find.

Electric fans use a lot less energy than air conditioners do. Use them to keep the air moving around you and you’ll feel cooler.


What we wear in hot weather can make a big difference in how comfortable we are, temperature-wise. The perfect suit of clothes would be a long, one piece, loose, flowing, white cotton or linen gown. Since fashion and common sense doesn’t allow that at all times for all people, do the best you can to meet the criteria:

Wear loose, flowing clothing to allow air next to your body. Tight, restrictive clothing will hold the heat in.

Pastels and whites are traditional summer time colors for a reason: those colors best reflect heat.

Natural fibers like cotton and linen are cooler than man made fibers.

While the tendency is to uncover skin during hot weather, covering up can keep you cooler, especially when you’re out in the sun. Again, wear loose, flowing clothing to allow air to move close to the skin, but opt for something that will block the sun’s heat.

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These three things will make a difference in your own comfort without air conditioning. Keep cool these simple ways and save your utility money for something more fun.